Friday, March 20, 2015

Thoughts the Day Before My Wedding!!!

*Warning:  If you don't like people who get "mushy" don't read on. ;)

I can't believe it is finally here!!  After getting engaged in January I didn't think this day would ever come; now that it is here I still can't believe it.  I was talking to Tony today and I was telling him that I feel the excitement but it doesn't feel like a reality yet.  I don't think it will be a reality until I'm kneeling across the alter with him.

When we got engaged I was afraid that I would have a hard time focusing on work, bills, and basically everything that doesn't have to do with Tony and the wedding; but the opposite happened.  My life got slammed with the craziness of school, concerts, church calling, and my sister's wedding (yep, my parents have two weddings within a week of each other).  It just got harder the closer we got.  This past week was absolutely exhausting, both for Tony and myself.

It doesn't look like much of a schedule, and there are things that aren't on it.  But all of the things on here just zapped me of all of my energy!

And yet, with all of the things we had to do and despite our lack of energy we helped each other make it through.  I had always thought about what it would be like if my spouse and I were both exhausted but one of us needed help.  What would we do?  What would I do?  Would I be willing to help out?  Well, this week I received my answer.

Now, Tony and I aren't married yet, but this experience applies all the same!  A couple of nights ago Tony came over and we were both exhausted.  We had both had a rough day, but I felt this overwhelming desire to just listen to him and serve him.  It reminded me of a scripture in D&C 25 where the Lord is speaking to Emma Smith (Joseph Smith's wife).  He said, in verse 5:
"And the office of thy calling shall be for a comfort unto my servant, Joseph Smith, Jun., thy husband, in his afflictions, with consoling words, in the spirit of meekness."

That desire propelled me forward and fed me energy.  I was able to actively listen, offer advice when asked, and even get up off the couch to grab him some water (yes, moving from the couch was hard).  This past week, though it felt like a nightmare, ended up being a huge tender mercy!  Tony is so good at serving and helping me, so it felt really good to be able to do that for him.

These thoughts are jumbled and scrambled and just all around not organized.  But I just want to share my testimony that I know that God really does have His hand in my life.  He has helped make one of the most stressful times a huge blessing.  He has calmed my heart and mind so that I can do the things that He would have me do.  He has also blessed me with the most incredible man I have ever met and I am grateful that I get to spend all time and eternity with him!!!  I know God lives and that He is watching over me!