My life has changed so much within the last few weeks and I just want to talk about how. I started this blog as a journal type of thing. I'll be the first to admit that I am terrible about writing in my journal! But I want to get better at it! Journals, I feel, show how you travel that "Journey of 1,000 miles". You can't do it immediately; I can travel one foot by taking one step, but 1,000 miles? Forget about it! But that is what makes life so great! Those 1,000 miles in life happen one step at a time. When we write and record thoughts in our journals it is us recording another step that we have taken.
The most recent step I have taken has been moving to Idaho to start my career as a music teacher. It has been kind of scary because I don't really know the school, I don't really know many people in Nampa, and I have felt incredibly alone these past few weeks. But, the Lord has blessed me more than I could have ever hoped for! He has protected me, He has sent me tender mercies that have made me laugh throughout the day, He has blessed me with wonderful students who are excited to learn, and so many other things! I want to share just a couple of experiences in particular that I have had that have truly touched my heart.
During one of the teacher work-days I was sitting in an Elementary teachers classroom. Her room was so colorful and it was just decorated so well! After the meeting I went in to my classroom that smelled awful and looked dull and gray. I immediately felt overwhelmed by all of the work I would have to do in order to make my room look "cute and colorful". It was one of those feelings of "There is so much to do, but where to start?" I vacuumed my room and then went home to figure out lessons for the next week. I stopped by Wal-Mart to pick up colored printer paper (yes I am that cheap) and sparkly letters that would spell out "MUSIC". As I was standing in line I felt as if my head would explode from all of the pressure I was feeling (that I was putting on myself). Just as I was feeling this a family came in the line behind me. The father asked "Is that where you went to school?" I looked down at my shirt that said BYU-Idaho on it. I nodded and forced a smile, "Yes sir, I did."
"Oh that is neat! I went to BYU Provo. Are you from here?"
"No, I'm from Heber actually. I just moved here for a teaching job."
"Oh you're a teacher? What do you teach?"
"Music, K-12."
"First year?", again I nodded. He proceeded, "I just want you to know that you don't have to be perfect your first year. I'm not sure why we, as teachers, think that we have to always be perfect. We don't!"
"You are a teacher too? What do you teach?"
"I am a Physical Science and Engineering professor at College of Western Idaho." We proceeded to talk as he guided me and reassured me that my first year would not be perfect. He also told me to just be me as I teach. I thanked him for all of his advice and he gave me his card in case I ever wanted to talk and we went our separate ways. I turned around and saw a rainbow, the second one I had seen that day, above the Wal-Mart. I felt all of the stress and pressure just release from within me. Did I still have my worries and my "to-do list"? Absolutely!! Was I still stressing about it, not as much. God knew that Professor Pack would be at that store and prepared him to say the things that I needed to hear. I am so grateful that Professor Pack followed the Spirit and opened his mouth. He put a first year teacher at ease!
As the school year has started and I have officially finished my first two weeks I am feeling more and more comfortable where I am. I am getting to know my students and am being guided by the Lord on how I can build the program here! Every day has its challenges, but I continue to lean on God and smile!
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"There's always a rainbow after rain." ~Silver Lining |
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Let the teaching, begin!! (After my first Pep Band Game Aug. 29) |
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