Monday, September 15, 2014

Solid Ground

"There are times when we have to step into the darkness in faith, confident that God will place solid ground beneath our feet once we do." ~President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

One of the things I love to do in my spare time is look up inspirational quotes from different religious leaders.  This one really resonated with me as I reflect on the miracle that happened to me last night.

I have been living in Nampa a little over a month now, but moving here was not easy for me.  It took a lot of money to move up here and so my finances have been incredibly tight.  I didn't get paid in August, so I knew I was going to have to wait until September.  Well, at the beginning of September I was down to $30.00 in my account.  I don't get paid until the 25th of each month, so I knew I had to be really careful.  So, I made a plan!  I would not spend more than $13.00 on food at the grocery store and the rest I would use for gas money.

First week was easy!  I felt like I was really going to make it.  The second week came and I realized that I hadn't accounted for the fact that I would be driving to Boise a lot that week.  As the needle in my car slowly moved down closer to the "E" I started to get more and more nervous.  I used the last $17.00 to fill my car up a little more than half way of gas.  I could feel the stress and I had an internal war with myself.  I didn't want to have to go to my parents.  My Dad was incredibly kind and actually paid my first month of rent for me and then went out and helped me buy my groceries that first week.  I didn't want to go to him and ask if he could spare $15.00 (though I knew he would do anything to help me).  Call it my "adult pride", but I didn't want to ask.  So, instead, I prayed.  I have been working like crazy at school and I know the paycheck will come in on the 25th, but it was a matter of surviving until then.

It wasn't even the food that concerned me, it was the gas!  Melba is about 16+ miles away from where I live.  I don't have a bicycle and, even if I did, I doubt that I would start riding to school in the skirt!  I really had no other source of income, and I didn't know what to do.  I continued to pray and ask Heavenly Father what I could do to hear a few quick dollars.  There were ads everywhere about how to "earn cash quick", but they were things like giving away jewelry and things like that.

Last night I went to a CES (Church Education System) Fireside that was given by Elder D. Todd Christofferson.  One of the things that he talked about was putting God first in our lives.  As I have lived here I have done my best to put Him first: studying my scriptures, praying, paying tithing, and even going to the temple every week.  But as I listened, I realized I could do better.  I made a resolution right then to strive to do better.  I set goals, wrote them down, and immediately went to work when I got home.  Before I went to bed I started studying for my Sunday School lesson in a couple of weeks.  As I was reading I had this feeling that I needed to look at my phone.  I tried to push that thought out of my mind because I was striving to put God first and I didn't want to be distracted.  The feeling came again, but a little stronger.  I, once again, pushed it aside and thought to myself, "Sarah, you have a problem!  You can't go two minutes without looking at your phone!?"

Finally the third time, the feeling was so strong I could not resist.  I picked up my phone and looked.  I had a missed message from my Dad.  I listened and he informed me that I had gotten something in the mail from the BYU-Idaho Bursar's office.  I felt my stomach tighten as I listened; that office has to do with finances.  I haven't been a student for about a year and I was worried that they were going to ask for money from me.  My Dad asked me to text him if I wanted him to open it.  I asked him too and he sent me this message back:  "It is a $75 housing refund from BYU Idaho.  If you still have your account at America First Credit I can put it in tomorrow if you want."

Tears immediately started to flow down my cheeks as I read that great miracle!  I couldn't believe that a year after leaving Rexburg I was just now getting a check for money.  But it is enough money for me to survive (gas and food) until I get my first paycheck.  Like President Uchtdorf says, sometimes we have to "step into the darkness in faith"  and believe that "God will place solid ground beneath our feet".

God's hand is truly in our lives; He is aware of each of our individual needs.  You might be able to hide your true feelings and stresses from people around you, but you can NEVER hide them from the Lord.  He places little "tender mercies", as Nephi calls them, in our lives every day.  Some are big and some are small, but they are always there.  I challenge you to take a step into the darkness and let God place that solid ground beneath you.  He is there, and He loves you!

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