I love General Conference!! The talks are always so inspiring and uplifting; they help me feel directed in how I can be a better person. There were several talks that really stood out to me and gave me a "Coming to Sarah" feel. "Coming to Sarah" is something a wise friend taught me; sometimes you are so involved with the world that you start to lose yourself in it, and I don't mean that in a good way. You start to try and change yourself so that you can fit in, so that you are like everybody else in the world instead of being you! Oscar Wilde once said, "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." That is what "Coming to Sarah" is about.
The first talk that really struck me was President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. I have always jived with his talks ever since I first heard him speak, so it is no wonder that his talk is one of the ones that is prompting me to "come to Sarah". He mentioned a scripture in Alma 5:26 that says:
". . . if ye have experienced a change of heart . . . I would ask, can ye feel so now?"
I want to add something right here, a "change of heart" does not only happen once. It is an ongoing process, a constant conversion. But how many times to do stop ourselves from changing? Maybe it isn't an intentional thing, but often times we stop ourselves from changing. If you feel that there needs to be a change in your life, allow it to happen. That being said, you must allow others to change as well! You holding grudges against a person, you treating a person the same way because of something they did in the past, that is stopping their ability to change!
In the well known and loved book/musical Les Miserables there is a character, Jean Valjean, who is imprisoned because he broke into a house to steal a loaf of bread. One of the police inspectors, Javert, has his heart set on keeping Valjean in prison. Javert hunts Valjean after he is let out on parole and disappears. When he finally finds him there is an incredible number performed called The Confrontation. One of the things that Javert continuously says to Valjean is that "a man like you can never change." Fortunately Valjean doesn't let this stop him from changing himself, but how often does the judgment of others stop people from moving forward. Allow yourself as well as others to change!
The next two talks kind of go together. The first is from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland and the second is from Elder Russell M. Nelson. I genuinely am not sure how to summarize what these incredible men said. But I will tell you this much, they share their powerful testimony on the sanctity of womanhood, being a mother, daughter, sister, and wife. Elder Holland speaks about the divinity of maternal love. Both of these talks my thoughts switched back and forth between my own mother and what kind of mother I want to be. Women everywhere, whether a member or not, these are talks that are designed to uplift and edify you! I invite you to listen and pay attention to what/how you feel! God is aware of you and He loves you very much!
The final talk is from Elder David A. Bednar. He mentioned six of the brethren who have passed away since he had been called as an apostle: President James E. Faust, President Gordon B. Hinckley, Elder Joseph B. Worthlin, Elder L. Tom Perry, President Boyd K. Packer, and Elder Richard G. Scott.
He took words from their final General Conference talks and shared them with the congregation and I have to say that it was so touching! I could feel my heart swell as I remembered each of these sweet and powerful men share their final testimonies. After sharing these Elder Bednar shared the scripture, "Whether by [the Lord's] voice or the voice of my servants, it is the same." (Doctrine and Covenants 1:38) These brethren are truly called of God and I am so grateful to have received guidance from my Heavenly Father over these past few days!
I invite you, if you have any questions about anything in your life, if you wish to receive guidance listen to the voice of the Lord through his servants. They are truly called of God. I am grateful for the uplifting and strengthening words that I felt this weekend and for the opportunity I now have to change and become more like my Heavenly Father.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
A Mother's Thoughts on #ShoutYourAbortion
Sept. 22, 2015 4:38am
I wasn’t
completely asleep, but I had a horrible, “nightmarish vision”. Tony and I were driving and we saw a pregnant
woman on the side of the road. She
seemed to be in pain and need help. We
pulled over and asked her if we could take her wherever she needed to go. She told us that she needed to go to the
hospital. Tony started driving to the
nearest hospital. The woman in the back
of our car started to explain that she had had an abortion the day before and
something had gone wrong. My heart sank (*note—yesterday I saw things like #ShoutYourAbortion and a very powerful talk
about a young lady who had survived an abortion) as I thought about what was
happening to this woman’s child as well as to herself.
We arrived
at the hospital and tried to make sure that she was taken care of. Before we could leave, the doctor came and
asked me to come to the back. I assumed it was
because the woman wanted help or something.
He took me back and I don’t completely understand what happened next. All I knew was that I was given something and
he announced to the entire room (it was only he and I in there) that he had
killed our girl, our little Emma.
I “woke
up”, if you could call it that, and felt a wave of anger, pain, and then
overwhelming sadness as I recounted the dream to Tony. I have only ever been pregnant once, as far
as I know, and I wouldn’t give it up for anything! It has been hard! There have been days when I could hardly
move, where I have felt sick to my stomach and have prayed for strength to just
make it through the hour. But never has the thought of killing this
beautiful child currently growing inside of me crossed my mind.
I don’t
understand and, to be honest I don’t really want to! You can call it “innocence”, “arrogance”,
whatever you like I don’t really care.
But this is what I do know, “the
worth of souls is great in the eyes of God.”. As soon as you conceive there is a small part
of Heaven inside of you. That is not your child alone, but also our Heavenly
Father’s. He is kind enough to let you
raise one of His own in this world that is constantly getting darker and
darker. That sweet and precious soul,
that piece of light, is there and nobody on
this earth has a right to terminate that precious soul!
My heart
has been aching for my friends who want, more than anything, to start a family
of their own, and I watch as women are now praising their abortion over the
internet; I don’t think those women understand how lucky they are to have the
blessing of carrying a child. So many
women in the world cannot have a
child, and it isn’t by choice! Yet it is
their “right” to have an abortion?
rights” have gone too far! I’m grateful
for the women who fought so that I could have a say in my country! I’m grateful that I am
able to hold a full-time job and receive the same benefits and pay as any man
in the same occupation. But when a woman
comes out and says that “it is my body and I can do what I want” it is
completely false, especially when it
comes to abortion. That is not your body; if it were you, you would be
aborting yourself. That is a separate
body and they have the right to live!
The definition of “rights” is no longer what the Founding Fathers
intended it to be:
Right: In
morals and religion, just; equitable; accordant
to the standard of truth and justice or the will of God. That alone
is right in the sight of God, which is consonant to his will
or law; this being the only perfect standard of truth and justice. In social
and political affairs, that is right which is consonant to the
laws and customs of a country, provided
these laws and customs are not repugnant to the laws of God. A man's
intentions may be right though his actions may be wrong in
consequence of a defect in judgment. (Webster’s
1828 Dictionary . . . before the saying was manipulated into “selfish
wants” and “what is going to benefit me now”)
I know that the Family is ordained of God. In 1995 President Gordon B. Hinckley stood up
in the General Relief Society Meeting and gave, what is now known, as "The Family: A Proclamation to the World".
I encourage and invite each of you to read it. This proclamation was not just to those in
attendance or members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but to the world. You are a part of it; you should know what it
“WE WARN that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who
abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will
one day stand accountable before God. Further, we warn that the disintegration
of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the
calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.
WE CALL UPON responsible citizens and officers of government
everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the
family as the fundamental unit of society.”
I bare my witness that God is aware of everybody (unborn children included) in whatever circumstance they
may be in. He loves you! I echo the invitation to read words from God
Himself, through His servant President Gordon B. Hinckley, about the importance
of family. I am grateful for my little “grape”
that is currently growing inside of me.
I am grateful for the opportunity that God is giving me and my husband
to raise one of His children. I love him
or her with all of my heart! In the name
of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, amen.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Trials and Tender Mercies Part 2-- Peace Like a River
I know, that was a bad way to end that last post, but I didn't know where to go from there! So here is part two. I have called it "peace like a river" for a reason. Rivers are not calm and peaceful all the time. There are still times when there are obstacles that affect the smoothness of the water. I believe some of our trials are like that too! We hit a patch where there is nothing but white water and it is hard, dangerous, and scary! We get through it to calmer waters only to realize moments later that there is another small patch of white water waiting for you. But the important part to remember is that there is still beauty in the white water.
Have you ever seen white water? I think it is absolutely beautiful!! Everything seems greener in that area too! Within our own individual trials there is something beautiful there! There were so many tender mercies in my life these past few months and so many between Saturday and now. To name a few: My mother-in-law and father-in-law have studied medicine and knew exactly what to do in this situation, I was able to get some help from the hospital doctors, I have an incredible husband who is willing to help me with anything and everything that I was needing, I have amazing parents at home who were (and are) praying for me, my Father-in-law and my husband are worthy Priesthood holders who could give me a blessing of healing and peace, and so many other things!!
If you get nothing else out of this story and experience, let it be this: God is aware of you! God knows what you are going through. It may seem like a lot of white water in your life right now, but God is the ultimate white water raft guide. He can see ahead; He sees the peace that is coming your way. He will guide you and bless you with those sweet tender mercies to get you through your trial. I found this cool quote on Pinterest that goes like this: "Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ." Your trials are not to tear you down, they are to strengthen you! My friend Hank Smith pointed out that whenever you are going through a trial you should remember that your "track record for getting through bad days so far is 100% and that's pretty good."
Keep going! Push through and endure to the end. Will it be easy? Probably not, but if you turn to Christ and truly put your trust in Him it will be easier. He will help carry your burdens and make them lighter. He suffered for everything that you have ever felt and will ever feel. There is nothing that He can't handle, and there is nothing that you can't do with Him on your side.
*Just so I don't leave you hanging, here is an update: yesterday I woke up feeling a bit better. The nausea was gone and so was the diarrhea! I was still incredibly weak, but I also hadn't eaten or really taken in much nutrients for a day and a half! I focused on getting liquids into me. I tried sipping water, Powerade, or Sprite every few minutes. By the end of the night I could walk around on my own without feeling like I had to lean up against something all the time (every now and again I still need to, but it is a work in progress), I could lift something more than two pounds, and I didn't feel like I had to lay down all the time. I was able to keep everything down and it was excellent! Given, I am not 100%, but I am better!
Have you ever seen white water? I think it is absolutely beautiful!! Everything seems greener in that area too! Within our own individual trials there is something beautiful there! There were so many tender mercies in my life these past few months and so many between Saturday and now. To name a few: My mother-in-law and father-in-law have studied medicine and knew exactly what to do in this situation, I was able to get some help from the hospital doctors, I have an incredible husband who is willing to help me with anything and everything that I was needing, I have amazing parents at home who were (and are) praying for me, my Father-in-law and my husband are worthy Priesthood holders who could give me a blessing of healing and peace, and so many other things!!
If you get nothing else out of this story and experience, let it be this: God is aware of you! God knows what you are going through. It may seem like a lot of white water in your life right now, but God is the ultimate white water raft guide. He can see ahead; He sees the peace that is coming your way. He will guide you and bless you with those sweet tender mercies to get you through your trial. I found this cool quote on Pinterest that goes like this: "Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ." Your trials are not to tear you down, they are to strengthen you! My friend Hank Smith pointed out that whenever you are going through a trial you should remember that your "track record for getting through bad days so far is 100% and that's pretty good."
Keep going! Push through and endure to the end. Will it be easy? Probably not, but if you turn to Christ and truly put your trust in Him it will be easier. He will help carry your burdens and make them lighter. He suffered for everything that you have ever felt and will ever feel. There is nothing that He can't handle, and there is nothing that you can't do with Him on your side.
*Just so I don't leave you hanging, here is an update: yesterday I woke up feeling a bit better. The nausea was gone and so was the diarrhea! I was still incredibly weak, but I also hadn't eaten or really taken in much nutrients for a day and a half! I focused on getting liquids into me. I tried sipping water, Powerade, or Sprite every few minutes. By the end of the night I could walk around on my own without feeling like I had to lean up against something all the time (every now and again I still need to, but it is a work in progress), I could lift something more than two pounds, and I didn't feel like I had to lay down all the time. I was able to keep everything down and it was excellent! Given, I am not 100%, but I am better!
Trials and Tender Mercies: Part 1--Enduring Trials
These past few months have been interesting for me. I am the type of person who doesn't normally get incredibly sick; I will get the occasional headache, but other than that I am good. Well, these past few months have been a real challenge. I have heard that the first year for teaching is the worst when it comes to illnesses but I didn't believe it. My first semester at school I didn't get sick at all, at least not badly enough to use my sick days. When I left for Christmas break, I was fit as a fiddle! I ran my first 5k, I was eating really healthy, I had just met the most adorable young man (who would later become my husband), and I was feeling the best I had in a long time!
This second semester has been very different.
Within the first few weeks of returning from Christmas break I was immediately hit with trials of sickness, awful nightmares, carpal tunnel syndrome, and negative thoughts running through my head. It was hard for me, but nothing has been harder than this past weekend. I wanted to write down my experiences not to be all "doom and gloom", but to express what Nephi shares in 1 Nephi 1:20 that, "the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." The story itself of what happened this weekend is long, so I will put it into two parts. Don't feel obligated to read it; it is really so that I can remember what I am learning. But if you are going through a trial in your life, maybe this will help you. :)
On Friday I started rehearsals for my summer job at Starlight Mountain Theater! I cannot tell you how excited I was, and am, to be working with such an awesome cast!! Friday was the first day I met everybody and it was awesome! The day started out at 9:30 am with a cast read-through of our first production Cinderella. It was fun to experiment with the rest of the cast and see how they would be portraying their specific characters. The rest of the day was pretty much the same; Tony and I had costume fittings and then a dance rehearsal that evening. When we came back for the evening at 10:00 pm we ate dinner with the rest of the family. The food was delicious and we enjoyed some fun conversations about "rabid deer" and other things.
Around 10:45 pm I started feeling a little nauseous, not badly enough that I had to run for the toilet right then, but just enough that I could feel it. I attributed it to being in a different place with a different schedule and pushed it from my mind. We decided to play a game and I was slowly feeling worse. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't feel it very important. We ended up going to bed around 11:30 pm, by this time my stomach was starting to cramp and my nausea was feeling a little worse. I remember thinking to myself that "If I just get some sleep I am sure I will be fine."
3:00 am rolls around and I know that I need to get to a toilet fast! I didn't want to wake anybody up, so I prayed that I would be able to fall back asleep . . . it didn't work so well. I was feeling prompted to wake Tony up and move fast. I felt shaky and I didn't want to move, but I followed the prompting. I woke my husband up and he was nice enough to help me down and over to the toilet. It ended up being worse than I thought; not only was I nauseous but I had diarrhea as well. It was the worst sickness I could ever remember having. We ended up waking Mom and Dad up for some help which I am so grateful they were willing to give.
By the time I got cleaned up it was about 4:15 am. We had the impression that we needed to go down the mountain tonight to return back to our home. Mom and Dad gave me a bowl for the drive, they had everything packed for us so that we could leave as soon as we were done, and everything went smoothly. Dad and Tony gave me a blessing before we left and in the blessing, specifically we were told "you will get down the mountain without incident" which is something I really needed to hear! At that, we were off down the mountain. We had to stop three or four times because I started throwing up again, but there was no diarrhea on the ride down. It was a great tender mercy!
We got back to the apartment around 6:15 am where Tony tucked me into bed and we slept for a few hours. When we woke I felt absolutely awful! I have heard people say that they feel like they "got hit by a bus" and I would always ask how they would know that . . . I felt like I got hit by a bus!! My body ached, my head was pounding, I felt sick to my stomach, my stomach was cramping, it was just awful! I was hardly able to keep fluid in me and we were starting to get worried.
Around 3:00 pm (so 12 hours later) I started to get a fever. Tony put a cool washcloth on my forehead and rubbed cool water on my face and arms, but it would evaporate off within a few seconds. We got some Tylenol to see if that would help, but within the time that it should have worked my temperature went up. Tony deeply felt that I should go to the ER to get some help, so we did. Around 7:00 pm we ended up at the ER and we, fortunately, didn't have to wait long to get in to see some people!
They did several different tests to see if there was anything wrong and gave me an IV (which I apparently went through the one bag really fast). At first we thought they were just going to want the two samples (blood and urine) for their tests. After we had been there for about two hours a radiologist, Mike, came in and said that he was going to take me in for a CT scan. I could hear the worry in Tony's voice as he asked if he could come with me. It pained me to hear Mike tell Tony he was going to have to hang tight for five minutes. When I came back we waited another couple of hours for the results and the doctors to come in and tell us what was going on. Mom was able to come in, which I am so grateful for! I kept falling asleep mid-conversation, so I was really glad Tony had somebody there to keep him company.
The doctors came in around 10:45 pm and explained that the results showed that I probably had the norovirus that has been going around Nampa, but that it was causing some lower abdominal pain and then they said a lot of scientific things. In all I was sent home feeling slightly better due to having some liquid in me. I will be totally honest, I have never been so sick before in my life and it was really scary for me. It was even harder to watch my sweet husband want to do everything to make me feel better, and yet there really wasn't anything he could do.
This second semester has been very different.
Within the first few weeks of returning from Christmas break I was immediately hit with trials of sickness, awful nightmares, carpal tunnel syndrome, and negative thoughts running through my head. It was hard for me, but nothing has been harder than this past weekend. I wanted to write down my experiences not to be all "doom and gloom", but to express what Nephi shares in 1 Nephi 1:20 that, "the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." The story itself of what happened this weekend is long, so I will put it into two parts. Don't feel obligated to read it; it is really so that I can remember what I am learning. But if you are going through a trial in your life, maybe this will help you. :)
On Friday I started rehearsals for my summer job at Starlight Mountain Theater! I cannot tell you how excited I was, and am, to be working with such an awesome cast!! Friday was the first day I met everybody and it was awesome! The day started out at 9:30 am with a cast read-through of our first production Cinderella. It was fun to experiment with the rest of the cast and see how they would be portraying their specific characters. The rest of the day was pretty much the same; Tony and I had costume fittings and then a dance rehearsal that evening. When we came back for the evening at 10:00 pm we ate dinner with the rest of the family. The food was delicious and we enjoyed some fun conversations about "rabid deer" and other things.
Around 10:45 pm I started feeling a little nauseous, not badly enough that I had to run for the toilet right then, but just enough that I could feel it. I attributed it to being in a different place with a different schedule and pushed it from my mind. We decided to play a game and I was slowly feeling worse. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't feel it very important. We ended up going to bed around 11:30 pm, by this time my stomach was starting to cramp and my nausea was feeling a little worse. I remember thinking to myself that "If I just get some sleep I am sure I will be fine."
3:00 am rolls around and I know that I need to get to a toilet fast! I didn't want to wake anybody up, so I prayed that I would be able to fall back asleep . . . it didn't work so well. I was feeling prompted to wake Tony up and move fast. I felt shaky and I didn't want to move, but I followed the prompting. I woke my husband up and he was nice enough to help me down and over to the toilet. It ended up being worse than I thought; not only was I nauseous but I had diarrhea as well. It was the worst sickness I could ever remember having. We ended up waking Mom and Dad up for some help which I am so grateful they were willing to give.
By the time I got cleaned up it was about 4:15 am. We had the impression that we needed to go down the mountain tonight to return back to our home. Mom and Dad gave me a bowl for the drive, they had everything packed for us so that we could leave as soon as we were done, and everything went smoothly. Dad and Tony gave me a blessing before we left and in the blessing, specifically we were told "you will get down the mountain without incident" which is something I really needed to hear! At that, we were off down the mountain. We had to stop three or four times because I started throwing up again, but there was no diarrhea on the ride down. It was a great tender mercy!
We got back to the apartment around 6:15 am where Tony tucked me into bed and we slept for a few hours. When we woke I felt absolutely awful! I have heard people say that they feel like they "got hit by a bus" and I would always ask how they would know that . . . I felt like I got hit by a bus!! My body ached, my head was pounding, I felt sick to my stomach, my stomach was cramping, it was just awful! I was hardly able to keep fluid in me and we were starting to get worried.
Around 3:00 pm (so 12 hours later) I started to get a fever. Tony put a cool washcloth on my forehead and rubbed cool water on my face and arms, but it would evaporate off within a few seconds. We got some Tylenol to see if that would help, but within the time that it should have worked my temperature went up. Tony deeply felt that I should go to the ER to get some help, so we did. Around 7:00 pm we ended up at the ER and we, fortunately, didn't have to wait long to get in to see some people!
They did several different tests to see if there was anything wrong and gave me an IV (which I apparently went through the one bag really fast). At first we thought they were just going to want the two samples (blood and urine) for their tests. After we had been there for about two hours a radiologist, Mike, came in and said that he was going to take me in for a CT scan. I could hear the worry in Tony's voice as he asked if he could come with me. It pained me to hear Mike tell Tony he was going to have to hang tight for five minutes. When I came back we waited another couple of hours for the results and the doctors to come in and tell us what was going on. Mom was able to come in, which I am so grateful for! I kept falling asleep mid-conversation, so I was really glad Tony had somebody there to keep him company.
The doctors came in around 10:45 pm and explained that the results showed that I probably had the norovirus that has been going around Nampa, but that it was causing some lower abdominal pain and then they said a lot of scientific things. In all I was sent home feeling slightly better due to having some liquid in me. I will be totally honest, I have never been so sick before in my life and it was really scary for me. It was even harder to watch my sweet husband want to do everything to make me feel better, and yet there really wasn't anything he could do.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Thoughts the Day Before My Wedding!!!
*Warning: If you don't like people who get "mushy" don't read on. ;)
I can't believe it is finally here!! After getting engaged in January I didn't think this day would ever come; now that it is here I still can't believe it. I was talking to Tony today and I was telling him that I feel the excitement but it doesn't feel like a reality yet. I don't think it will be a reality until I'm kneeling across the alter with him.
When we got engaged I was afraid that I would have a hard time focusing on work, bills, and basically everything that doesn't have to do with Tony and the wedding; but the opposite happened. My life got slammed with the craziness of school, concerts, church calling, and my sister's wedding (yep, my parents have two weddings within a week of each other). It just got harder the closer we got. This past week was absolutely exhausting, both for Tony and myself.
It doesn't look like much of a schedule, and there are things that aren't on it. But all of the things on here just zapped me of all of my energy!
And yet, with all of the things we had to do and despite our lack of energy we helped each other make it through. I had always thought about what it would be like if my spouse and I were both exhausted but one of us needed help. What would we do? What would I do? Would I be willing to help out? Well, this week I received my answer.
Now, Tony and I aren't married yet, but this experience applies all the same! A couple of nights ago Tony came over and we were both exhausted. We had both had a rough day, but I felt this overwhelming desire to just listen to him and serve him. It reminded me of a scripture in D&C 25 where the Lord is speaking to Emma Smith (Joseph Smith's wife). He said, in verse 5:
"And the office of thy calling shall be for a comfort unto my servant, Joseph Smith, Jun., thy husband, in his afflictions, with consoling words, in the spirit of meekness."
That desire propelled me forward and fed me energy. I was able to actively listen, offer advice when asked, and even get up off the couch to grab him some water (yes, moving from the couch was hard). This past week, though it felt like a nightmare, ended up being a huge tender mercy! Tony is so good at serving and helping me, so it felt really good to be able to do that for him.
These thoughts are jumbled and scrambled and just all around not organized. But I just want to share my testimony that I know that God really does have His hand in my life. He has helped make one of the most stressful times a huge blessing. He has calmed my heart and mind so that I can do the things that He would have me do. He has also blessed me with the most incredible man I have ever met and I am grateful that I get to spend all time and eternity with him!!! I know God lives and that He is watching over me!
I can't believe it is finally here!! After getting engaged in January I didn't think this day would ever come; now that it is here I still can't believe it. I was talking to Tony today and I was telling him that I feel the excitement but it doesn't feel like a reality yet. I don't think it will be a reality until I'm kneeling across the alter with him.
When we got engaged I was afraid that I would have a hard time focusing on work, bills, and basically everything that doesn't have to do with Tony and the wedding; but the opposite happened. My life got slammed with the craziness of school, concerts, church calling, and my sister's wedding (yep, my parents have two weddings within a week of each other). It just got harder the closer we got. This past week was absolutely exhausting, both for Tony and myself.
It doesn't look like much of a schedule, and there are things that aren't on it. But all of the things on here just zapped me of all of my energy!
And yet, with all of the things we had to do and despite our lack of energy we helped each other make it through. I had always thought about what it would be like if my spouse and I were both exhausted but one of us needed help. What would we do? What would I do? Would I be willing to help out? Well, this week I received my answer.
Now, Tony and I aren't married yet, but this experience applies all the same! A couple of nights ago Tony came over and we were both exhausted. We had both had a rough day, but I felt this overwhelming desire to just listen to him and serve him. It reminded me of a scripture in D&C 25 where the Lord is speaking to Emma Smith (Joseph Smith's wife). He said, in verse 5:
"And the office of thy calling shall be for a comfort unto my servant, Joseph Smith, Jun., thy husband, in his afflictions, with consoling words, in the spirit of meekness."
That desire propelled me forward and fed me energy. I was able to actively listen, offer advice when asked, and even get up off the couch to grab him some water (yes, moving from the couch was hard). This past week, though it felt like a nightmare, ended up being a huge tender mercy! Tony is so good at serving and helping me, so it felt really good to be able to do that for him.
These thoughts are jumbled and scrambled and just all around not organized. But I just want to share my testimony that I know that God really does have His hand in my life. He has helped make one of the most stressful times a huge blessing. He has calmed my heart and mind so that I can do the things that He would have me do. He has also blessed me with the most incredible man I have ever met and I am grateful that I get to spend all time and eternity with him!!! I know God lives and that He is watching over me!
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Our Story: Dates to Dating
I haven't blogged forever and a lot has happened! I have had several people ask me about my fiance, Tony, and I and what our story is. So, here is Part 1 of our story:
I am a music teacher and I was getting ready for my concerts at the beginning of December. One of my friends and co-workers recommended a young man in her ward, Ryan. So, I called and got him for both of my concerts. I didn't meet Tony until the second concert (Dec. 11, 2014). He came to help set all of the sound equipment up. We talked a little bit as we set-up and as I tried getting everything ready for the concert. The first thing I noticed about him as I spoke with him was his genuine and sweet smile. He seemed interested in what I had to say and he seemed incredibly happy to be there.
Right before the concert, as I was setting up my camera, I noticed that my tripod was broken. So, I had to improvise and make a "ghetto-pod" (see picture below). Tony came up and stated that he was going to find me on Facebook because he thought I was cool. I still feel really badly about this, but by this point I had forgotten his name. My mind was going crazy trying to get stuff ready for the concert. So, I asked for a reminder of his name. He remembered mine, so I felt a little silly. But, the good news is I remember it now. :)
After the high school concert as Ryan, Mama Shuck, Aiden, and I took stuff down they continuously talked about Tony. I found out that he was in a production of "A Christmas Carol". That is my favorite Christmas play of all time! I asked about when the performances were and I set a plan on when I would be going.
True to his word, Tony added me on Facebook a few days later. I sent him a message about how I could obtain tickets to go to his performance. He gave me all of the information and then asked me out on a date. Not going to lie, I read that message and started feeling really giggly (he doesn't know this, unless he is reading it now). We set up a day and time to go out and I was so ferociously stoked! We continued to write messages back and forth for the next couple of days talking about our favorite plays/musicals, dream roles, running, and all sorts of things! He and his Mom wrote an arrangement for "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" and I told him that he needed to record it so I could hear it. He ended up inviting me to sing with the Ward choir that upcoming Sunday (Dec. 21) so that I could hear it, and I did!
Well, our first date fell through. Tony got off work later than anticipated and I was dead tired! So, we decided that we would try again some other time. But later that week I was going to see his performance. I ended up watching it with his whole family (it has become a joke that I had a date with his family before I had a date with him). It was such a well-done production and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it! After the performance Tony asked me if I wanted to go get ice cream. I told him I probably shouldn't because I had my 5k race the next morning. We said that we would do something soon, but we kind of left it at that.
I then left for Christmas break and we didn't really talk much during that time. There were a few messages, but not a lot happened.
When I came back is when things really started to pick-up.
On Dec. 28 I invited Tony over to play games with my roommate, her boyfriend, and another friend. He came and we discussed the date that we would be going on on Tuesday. Our first date was Dec. 30th and we went and saw "Into the Woods". We stayed up super late just talking and getting to know each other better. Not going to lie, I felt like I had known him forever so the conversations weren't hard to have.
That entire week we spent almost every day together. On the 31st we celebrated New Year's Eve by going to Costa Vida, setting off Fireworks, and then watching some "Quantum Leap". Friday, Jan. 2 we went to the Library and read some of our favorite children's books to each other! On Jan. 3rd I got to go to the temple with he and his parents to do a session. It was such a blast!
Sunday came and I had two young men in my Ward ask me out on dates. I told them that I would have to get back to them because I wasn't sure what was going on with Tony and I. We had spent almost every day together and were planning on seeing each other still and, quite frankly, I didn't want to date anybody else! So, on Jan. 5 I didn't have any school (it was an "ice day"). So we got together to make dinner, and it was so cool! We made palascintas (Hungarian crepes basically), I got to flip it in the pan and it was awesome!!! That night I told him the situation and what I was feeling. He felt the same way, so we started dating!
I wish I could put into words how freaking excited I was in that moment (I guess you could say right now too, because it hasn't worn off)! This story is to be continued in Part 2--Our Story: Dating to Engagement :D
I am a music teacher and I was getting ready for my concerts at the beginning of December. One of my friends and co-workers recommended a young man in her ward, Ryan. So, I called and got him for both of my concerts. I didn't meet Tony until the second concert (Dec. 11, 2014). He came to help set all of the sound equipment up. We talked a little bit as we set-up and as I tried getting everything ready for the concert. The first thing I noticed about him as I spoke with him was his genuine and sweet smile. He seemed interested in what I had to say and he seemed incredibly happy to be there.
Right before the concert, as I was setting up my camera, I noticed that my tripod was broken. So, I had to improvise and make a "ghetto-pod" (see picture below). Tony came up and stated that he was going to find me on Facebook because he thought I was cool. I still feel really badly about this, but by this point I had forgotten his name. My mind was going crazy trying to get stuff ready for the concert. So, I asked for a reminder of his name. He remembered mine, so I felt a little silly. But, the good news is I remember it now. :)
After the high school concert as Ryan, Mama Shuck, Aiden, and I took stuff down they continuously talked about Tony. I found out that he was in a production of "A Christmas Carol". That is my favorite Christmas play of all time! I asked about when the performances were and I set a plan on when I would be going.
True to his word, Tony added me on Facebook a few days later. I sent him a message about how I could obtain tickets to go to his performance. He gave me all of the information and then asked me out on a date. Not going to lie, I read that message and started feeling really giggly (he doesn't know this, unless he is reading it now). We set up a day and time to go out and I was so ferociously stoked! We continued to write messages back and forth for the next couple of days talking about our favorite plays/musicals, dream roles, running, and all sorts of things! He and his Mom wrote an arrangement for "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" and I told him that he needed to record it so I could hear it. He ended up inviting me to sing with the Ward choir that upcoming Sunday (Dec. 21) so that I could hear it, and I did!
Well, our first date fell through. Tony got off work later than anticipated and I was dead tired! So, we decided that we would try again some other time. But later that week I was going to see his performance. I ended up watching it with his whole family (it has become a joke that I had a date with his family before I had a date with him). It was such a well-done production and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it! After the performance Tony asked me if I wanted to go get ice cream. I told him I probably shouldn't because I had my 5k race the next morning. We said that we would do something soon, but we kind of left it at that.
I then left for Christmas break and we didn't really talk much during that time. There were a few messages, but not a lot happened.
When I came back is when things really started to pick-up.
On Dec. 28 I invited Tony over to play games with my roommate, her boyfriend, and another friend. He came and we discussed the date that we would be going on on Tuesday. Our first date was Dec. 30th and we went and saw "Into the Woods". We stayed up super late just talking and getting to know each other better. Not going to lie, I felt like I had known him forever so the conversations weren't hard to have.
That entire week we spent almost every day together. On the 31st we celebrated New Year's Eve by going to Costa Vida, setting off Fireworks, and then watching some "Quantum Leap". Friday, Jan. 2 we went to the Library and read some of our favorite children's books to each other! On Jan. 3rd I got to go to the temple with he and his parents to do a session. It was such a blast!
Sunday came and I had two young men in my Ward ask me out on dates. I told them that I would have to get back to them because I wasn't sure what was going on with Tony and I. We had spent almost every day together and were planning on seeing each other still and, quite frankly, I didn't want to date anybody else! So, on Jan. 5 I didn't have any school (it was an "ice day"). So we got together to make dinner, and it was so cool! We made palascintas (Hungarian crepes basically), I got to flip it in the pan and it was awesome!!! That night I told him the situation and what I was feeling. He felt the same way, so we started dating!
I wish I could put into words how freaking excited I was in that moment (I guess you could say right now too, because it hasn't worn off)! This story is to be continued in Part 2--Our Story: Dating to Engagement :D
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My ghetto-pod!!! |
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A Christmas Carol!! |
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Palascintas!!! |
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