Monday, May 18, 2015

Trials and Tender Mercies Part 2-- Peace Like a River

I know, that was a bad way to end that last post, but I didn't know where to go from there!  So here is part two.  I have called it "peace like a river" for a reason.  Rivers are not calm and peaceful all the time.  There are still times when there are obstacles that affect the smoothness of the water.  I believe some of our trials are like that too!  We hit a patch where there is nothing but white water and it is hard, dangerous, and scary!  We get through it to calmer waters only to realize moments later that there is another small patch of white water waiting for you.  But the important part to remember is that there is still beauty in the white water.

Have you ever seen white water?  I think it is absolutely beautiful!!  Everything seems greener in that area too!  Within our own individual trials there is something beautiful there!  There were so many tender mercies in my life these past few months and so many between Saturday and now.  To name a few:  My mother-in-law and father-in-law have studied medicine and knew exactly what to do in this situation, I was able to get some help from the hospital doctors, I have an incredible husband who is willing to help me with anything and everything that I was needing, I have amazing parents at home who were (and are) praying for me, my Father-in-law and my husband are worthy Priesthood holders who could give me a blessing of healing and peace, and so many other things!!

If you get nothing else out of this story and experience, let it be this:  God is aware of you!  God knows what you are going through.  It may seem like a lot of white water in your life right now, but God is the ultimate white water raft guide.  He can see ahead; He sees the peace that is coming your way.  He will guide you and bless you with those sweet tender mercies to get you through your trial.  I found this cool quote on Pinterest that goes like this: "Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ."  Your trials are not to tear you down, they are to strengthen you!  My friend Hank Smith pointed out that whenever you are going through a trial you should remember that your "track record for getting through bad days so far is 100% and that's pretty good."

Keep going!  Push through and endure to the end.  Will it be easy?  Probably not, but if you turn to Christ and truly put your trust in Him it will be easier.  He will help carry your burdens and make them lighter.  He suffered for everything that you have ever felt and will ever feel.  There is nothing that He can't handle, and there is nothing that you can't do with Him on your side.

*Just so I don't leave you hanging, here is an update: yesterday I woke up feeling a bit better.  The nausea was gone and so was the diarrhea!  I was still incredibly weak, but I also hadn't eaten or really taken in much nutrients for a day and a half!   I focused on getting liquids into me.  I tried sipping water, Powerade, or Sprite every few minutes.  By the end of the night I could walk around on my own without feeling like I had to lean up against something all the time (every now and again I still need to, but it is a work in progress), I could lift something more than two pounds, and I didn't feel like I had to lay down all the time.  I was able to keep everything down and it was excellent!  Given, I am not 100%, but I am better!

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