Saturday, January 9, 2016

Pregnancy Scare Part 2--We Still Don't Know!

Wednesday night I had gone to bed feeling pretty good!  My pain was down to a 2 or 3, but I felt happy.  4:00am rolls around and I am in even more pain than I ever have been in my life!  I say that completely literally!  My number scale, I was definitely at an 8 or a 9!  I was incredibly sick and I was having a hard time keeping anything down.  The part that scared me the most is that during all of this I couldn't and didn't feel our little Emma move!  It broke my heart, I thought I had lost her!

We, again, got my Mom and she and my husband took me to the ER.  I'm not going to lie, because of the pain I was in I don't remember much of what happened, so I will just recall what I can!

I was taken into the ER and when they found out I was pregnant they took me in to labor and delivery.  Before they took me in to labor and delivery they did a test to listen for Emma's heart.  It took them quite a while to find it and it scared me so badly!  In that moment I didn't care what happened to me, so long as my Emma was safe!  They finally found her and her heartbeat sounded normal.  My fear settled a little bit after that.

When they took me back to labor and delivery I felt completely terrified!  I just remember praying that Emma would be okay and that I would be okay.  I, again, had never experienced pain like this before and I didn't quite know how to handle it.  They wheeled me into a delivery room and immediately started hooking IV's up to me and this interesting machine that allowed us to listen to Emma's heartbeat constantly.

They asked me the same questions that my doctor the day before had and I'll be totally honest, I don't remember actually answering any of them!  I do remember that they took my blood, again, and had me give another urine sample.  Because of the intense pain I continued to throw-up for a few minutes.  They ended up giving me morphine and it calmed me down quite a bit.

The doctor ordered an ultrasound so they could check on my kidneys, liver, and ovaries.  They wheeled me in to another room and I didn't watch any of the ultrasound.  Not because I wasn't interested, but because I was incredibly out of it!  My legs were shaking so intensely because of the morphine and I was just in a little bit of shock.

Just like the previous day all of the blood tests and urine test had come back completely normal.  Here was the only thing that was different:  the doctor found a cyst on my left ovary.  It is about 4cm.  When he told me this, my heart dropped.  The fear I had been feeling before came back ten-fold!  I didn't know a lot about cysts at the time, but I was genuinely afraid that this would hurt Emma and that Tony and I would not be able to have children again after this.

Tony had asked if the cyst had caused an ovarian torsion.  The doctor said that the ultrasound showed blood flow going in and out of the ovary, so he didn't think it was a torsion, but he didn't want to rule out that the cyst could be the cause of the pain.

After we had been there for a few hours I was done!  My sweet and incredible husband was so wonderful!  He would hold my hand, kiss my forehead, and tell me that I was doing a great job and that he was proud of me!  At about 9:00am I told him I was done!  I wanted to go home, I didn't think I could do this anymore and I just wanted it to be over!  We didn't get to leave until about 10:00am.

The doctor recommended going to my OB in Provo to get another opinion.  I love my doctors there!  I had a new one yesterday, Dr. Broberg!  The entire staff there is absolutely incredible!  We called in and they were able to get us in at 3:30pm that day!  As soon as we got there they took me to a spare room where they had an incredibly comfy chair!  They got me water and made sure that I was taken care of!  They then transferred me to a different room where I was examined by Dr. Broberg.

I told him everything that happened and what the other doctors said.  He was completely honest and said he wasn't 100% sure of what it was, but he believed it was probably the strained ligament.  He listened to our Emma's heart again (my Mom was loving how often she was getting to hear Emma's heartbeat, but not so much the circumstances) and she still sounded great!  He poked me and pushed me, and then gave me advice on what to do: REST!!!  I'm not very good at that, but I've been doing my best.

Now, I know this story is long and very jumbled (hooray for pain meds), but I have learned a lot these last couple of days and I just wanted to share them with you:

  • God is completely and totally aware of our situations!  Tony gave me at least three blessings during these past couple of days and in every single one Heavenly Father reminded me that He is there for me.  He blessed me with peace and the knowledge that everything would be okay!  And, at one point, He even took my pain away completely!
  • I never thought I would experience love like this!  I experienced it two ways these past couple of days.  The first being my loving and incredibly husband, Tony as well as my Mom!  They were by my side through it all and were/are such a comfort to me!  I never thought I would experience love like this, in fact if you had asked me a little over a year ago I would have told you that I was probably never going to have this kind of relationship!  Tony gave up so much just to hold my hand and comfort me, to kiss my cheek and tell me that everything was going to be okay, to get up at 3:00 and even 4:00am to help me when I was sick!
    The other love I experienced was for my little girl!  It had never been more real to me than yesterday that I am going to be a mother!  When the possibility that my little girl was in danger I was ready, and willing, to do anything to help her!  I wasn't prepared for it, but I realized just how deeply I love our little Emma!  I love her so much and I am so excited to finally meet her in April!
  • Support systems are crazy important!  I want to thank you all, those who read this and those who don't, for your prayers, encouraging thoughts, and service that you've given me these last few days!  Even when you have shared your experiences with me, it has helped me a great deal!  Knowing that what I am going through is normal, though difficult, has been a huge blessing and tender mercy for me!  Thank you all so much for everything you have done and continue to do!  I love you guys!
I apologize this is so long, it was really more for me to keep record of what happened (welcome to how I journal when my wrists are struggling).  As much as I don't want this to happen again, I don't want to forget anything that happened either!

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