Monday, February 6, 2017

Better Out Than In

Today Emma is 9 Months old!!  She's been out nearly as long as she was in!  I took some photos today and have just been reflecting on the last nine months and what a ride it has been!  Emma loves to laugh, sing, and even dance!  She is very snuggly, but only when she wants to be.  If I want to snuggle, forget it!  She has to initiate it!

Emma loves food!  When we ask her if she, "Wants more?"  She will sign "please".  She also loves to sign "light".  She is a very smart girl!  We are working on "love" and "thank you".

Emma, thank you for being such a smiley baby.  You aren't always happy (like when you are teething, which you currently are), but you are a majority of the time.  Keep that good spirit little one!  We love you to Kolob and back!

Here's a link for her Nine Month Vlog!!
Weight: 17 lbs. 7.5oz
Height: 27in.

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