Sunday, January 30, 2011

"My name is Elmo, and I'm a bass."

Last night BYU Vocal Point and Noteworthy came up and performed! They were incredible! But I may be getting a little ahead of myself; I'll start at the beginning. I made a new friend last night, his name is Emeil (sp?). Since the young man I had asked previously accidentally forgot about tonight, she decided to help me out and help me find a date. However, he didn't want it to be a date . . . so it was just another hang-out. It was enjoyable nonetheless. We had dinner at Cami's: spaghetti, a salad with bananas in it (thanks Mom for teaching me that), and orange juice! Ha ha, quite the combo, right? Emeil is from the country Jordan (it's east of Israel) and it was awesome to hear him talk about it. I asked him what it was like there and he compared it to southern Utah.

This afternoon, as my roommate and I got ready to go to church, we did our normal thing: put on our coats and scarves and then headed out. As soon as we stepped outside we felt a rush of HEAT! Yes folks, I said "heat". It was really warm, we took our coats off to finish the hike up the hill. I just found out that it was 31 degrees . . . in January . . . in Rexburg. Wow! The walk home was almost the same at a nice, warm 28 degrees (however it feels like 22).

Church today was incredible! It was one of those days that I felt like the Lord decided this entire set of meetings was to help me overcome and become better. Sacrament meeting was all about choosing the right, and it was so powerful! It wasn't anything insanely profound that the speakers had said either; it was just that they were speaking with the Spirit. I am so impressed with the spirit that is here at BYU Idaho; it truly is something that I hope I can take with me once I leave this place (but that isn't scheduled to happen for a few semesters, ha). I was reminded today of how much God loves me and that He truly is aware of our wants and needs. However, He knows what we really need in order for us to be the instruments He needs us to be. I might really want to be a piano . . . but maybe the Lord needs me to be a flute right now. So, I'll be the flute that He needs me to be! ;o) This gospel is true and the Lord loves you! Never forget it!! :o)

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