Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Smiles and Stadiums

Mondays are long days for me. I go to the gym with my roommate, AJ, at 5 am and I have classes from 7:45am-6:45pm (with only one hour break). Then I go to FHE from 7:00-8:30ish. Yeah, Mondays are a blast! I really mean it too! Yesterday, I felt so much energy it was ridiculous! I felt like I could do anything, nothing was going to stand in my way of getting things done! I got a lot done, surprisingly. With lack of time to do homework, I didn't have a lot to begin with. I've felt that the Lord has blessed me so much these past few days (well, He always blesses me, but bare with me a second) and presented me with the most wonderufl gift of TIME!

You know those times when you don't want to help somebody else because you "don't have time"? That is how I've felt the past few days. Yet, when I helped others, I had more time! Hmm, so let's do a little math, Lack of time + serving anyway = more time!! I pick serving anyway! It wasn't even a big service thing. It would be something as simple as: helping somebody carry something to a class, opening a door and holding it for them, giving them directions, showing people where they should go, etc. Those 30 seconds multiplied and I recieved that time back 7 fold! I had time to do homework, eat, and even sleep! It was incredible!

Today has been very similar to yesterday, busy, busy, busy! In the best sense! I had 7:45 class and I've been on the constant go since then! I have the greatest tender mercy in the world! I was feeling a little stressed out earlier; I hadn't eaten since about six this morning (and this was about 5:30), I sang in devotional (which I'll talk about in a second), and I am very tired! As I was walking home to go grab some lunch/dinner I looked up at the stadium; this is what I saw:

How great is that? When I was feeling down, the Lord gives me a GIANT SMILE! I thought it was very cool!

So Devotional, the Women's choir sang today and I think we sang really well (considering we've only had the piece for about two days). We sang "Rejoice the Lord is King". That is an amazing song! The third verse has to be my favorite: "His kingdom cannot fail; He rules o'er earth and heaven. The keys of death and hell to Christ the Lord are given." God's work cannot fail; what comfort that gives me! Even at times when you watch the news and it feels like only bad things are happening, remember that God's kingdom cannot fail. It isn't even that we will not; we cannot.

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