Monday, February 21, 2011

"I plead the 19th, man!"

I love three day weekends for multiple reasons! Reason number one was Friday! I got to meet Brandon's little sister Jennifer. We are very similar and I enjoyed getting to know her better as she's stayed with us this weekend. Ha, my roommates and a few of my friends went to go see 'Tangled' in 3D! Despite the fact that 3D movies tend to make me sick, I enjoyed it very much (and I didn't get sick)! It was one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time! We all discussed it and decided that "Disney's coming back!" Whilst we were at the theatre I kept running into people I knew. They started to keep a count because they were all pretty sure that I knew everybody! They were quite surprised to find out that they weren't all from the Snow buidling though ha ha.

Reason number two, Saturday! Saturday I did laundry (which was quite exciting! I always love that feeling of 'Now I have clothes to wear'), I did homework, I practiced, and then I got a phone call from Brandon. He invited my roommates and I over for dinner; he and Jen were wanting to cook it for us. I offered my assistance and was able to help make the Green chili enchiladas! Boy they were good! He told me that they would swing by the Snow and "kidnap" me so we could make them. They kidnapped me fairly early and took me over to Brandon's and we made origami roses and hung them up in Brandon's apartment. Then we started on the dinner. While we were making the dinner we played "Name That Tune" Disney style! I didn't realized I knew 1) so many Disney movies, and 2) so many Disney songs! It was incredible, I impressed myself! At one point during the evening I ran up to the Stake center and congradulated one of my best friends up here, Lizzy Lloyd (now Baird), on her marriage! They were engaged only a few weeks ago, but because Lizzy is going on tour at the end of the semester they had to do it during. Everything worked out well from what I could tell! She looked gorgeous and incredibly happy! Once I got there she told me to: "Take of your shoes. This is a bare feet party!" Ha, I so want that at my wedding! ;o)
So, I ran back down to Brandon's (he lives across from the Snow) and enjoyed the enchiladas we made! I'm going to have to get the recipe from them because it is incredibly good! While we ate we watched a movie called "Alice". It's one of my favorites, but I have to be in the right mood for it. Unfortunately, I was incredibly tired and nearly fell asleep several times throughout. But I was in such great company that kept making me laugh, I couldn't actually fall asleep.

Reason number 3, Sunday! The morning was spent relaxing, reading scriptures, writing letters, and listening to beautiful hymns! Our ward starts at 1:50 (odd time, right?) and Brandon and Jen came with us. The spirit was incredibly strong and I feel that I received a lot of answers to things that I've been praying for! I love it when that happens! After church, we came back to our place and relaxed a little bit and played some games. We played Scum (which brought back a lot of memories for me), California slap, Pictionary (the card game), and several other games! The Brandon, Jen, and I went Stadium singing. It was a little cold, but it's always worth it to go sing praises to the Lord! This weekend has been such a blessing and a tender mercy for me! I've needed something for a little while and this was definitley that something I needed . . . a break! Today will be fairly similar to Saturday in that I'll be doing homework! But it'll all work out well!

By the way, the quote was something that was said last night and we thought it was the funniest thing in the world! I'll post pictures soon of what Jen and I did at 1:00 this morning!

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