Sunday, February 13, 2011

Jansport backpacks=greatest backpacks ever!

What an eventful weekend! Friday I had the wonderful opportunity to go to the Sousa concert. That is honestly one of the greatest concerts that the symphony band does. They play a song every year they do this concert and throughout the song different areas of serivce are asked to stand. It is truly a powerful song and it was amazing to see the conductors love for our country. After the concert I saw my friend Seth and he asked what I was doing after the concert. I told him I was going to practice a little bit more; he told me not to practice too much and I asked if I did anything else. He laughed and responded "I hope you do!"

Yesterday (Saturday) I helped my friend move. First however, we made donuts for all of the people that came and helped them move. Friday night, before the Sousa concert I helped her pack up her kitchen. That morning we continued to pack, so I didn't really get to move anything in or out. It was an enjoyable morning spent helping a friend! After helping her I went to the store and FINALLY bought stamps so I could write Elder Pelo! I must say Jansport backpacks are the best! I could fit so much into my backpack and it was absolutely wonderful!

Also last night I had the wonderful opportunity of going to Stake Conference. Elder C. Scott Grow (yes, his name is a sentance) came and spoke to us. It was amazing! So many of my questions were answered and it was amazing! Then this morning it was the same thing! They talked about being ready for the person you're going to marry. They asked us to think about the person we wanted to marry and then strive to live like that. What a wonderful conference that helped me realize and reminded me of who I am and what I should be doing.

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