Friday, February 4, 2011

Home, sweet home!

Yesterday was a long day! I had classes from 7:45-4:15 and then I went home and packed so I could come home this weekend. (My weekend started early because of cancelation of classes). As Cassandra and I made the drive down, we would comment to eachother about how "adult" we are because we're going on another "road trip/adventure". We do always seem to have the greatest adventures in the car! Nothing insanely amazing happened, but we talked about everything! Yesterday I had a study group for my science class, this required leaving the Snow building (music building). As I was walking up toward the Taylor, one of my friends, Ben, saw me. He called out to me and said: "You're going the wrong way! The Snow building is that way." I laughed and told him that I was going to the Taylor, "I never thought I'd hear those words come out of your mouth." Again, I chuckled and responded that I had a science group meeting; "Another phrase I never thought I'd hear come out of your mouth!"

My passion for music continues to grow daily! I can't talk about music too long without getting excited! I guess that's when you know you picked the right major! I was talking to some people the other day about some Middle Ages music and I noticed that there was a V chord in there! I may or may not have freaked out! That was the first time I could put a Roman numeral to a chord in that class! A few of my friends just rolled their eyes at me and said: "Only you would get this excited about a V chord!" I don't believe that's true for a second; I know others that get just as excited as I do! I had my second voice lesson yesterday and it was amazing! We worked on breathing and posture! I always thought I had good posture . . . that is until class yesterday! But I continue to think that 'I am my own voice teacher' just as Brother Peck taught me my first day, and I realized some things about my posture that was wrong. Throughout the lesson, Brother Peck and I would work together to figure out what was wrong. Good news, we fixed it! He also gave me 5 pieces yesterday: "Je te veux", "Chanson triste", "Nimmersatte Liebe", "Quella fiamma", and "Se tu m'ami"! No English pieces! Boy, am I ever excited!

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