Sunday, February 6, 2011

"It's so warm outside!"

As I said before, I had the wonderful opportunity to go home this past weekend. As soon as my friend and I got to Orem I asked her what temperature it was outside. She said about 24 degrees; we both got really excited, stepped out of the car and stood there for a second. We then exclaimed to eachother that it was "so warm outside!" When it's been in the negatives all week, 24 degrees is really warm. And it was like that all day Friday and most of the day Saturday. I got home around 11:00pm and when I went upstairs to go to bed I found a note on my pillow. It said: "Sarah, I didn't get to say good night, so GOOD NIGHT! ;) Love ya! Love, Anna." So, basically I have the cutest little sister ever! It was so great to see my family and spend a couple of days with them! For the most part, I did homework. But I also got to watch a movie with Ben ("Princess and the Frog", I highly recommend seeing that movie! Great music!), and talked with my Mom (about boys, I didn't do that very often when I was in high school, but it was a major topic this weekend ha!), and just tried to relax a little bit.

Last night, as Cassandra and I traveled back to the frozen tundra that is Rexburg, Idaho, we had some really good conversations. We talked about everything from Music Lit--we were studying for a test--to what we did that weekend, to what we wanted to do with the rest of our lives. We also picked up another young man who came back to Rexburg with us. His name was Andrew, it was an enjoyable ride! It went well! When we got back to Rexburg, we decided that it was super cold! I didn't check the temperature . . . but it was cold! And guess what I did as soon as I got back! I went to the Snow building and practiced and worked on an essay! Apparently, I don't have a life ha ha!

However, right before I went in to practice my friend, Lainey Beth, found me and told me that she got her mission call! She's going to Australia!!! She knocked on my practice room door and told me that she had some big news for me before I started practicing. She then told me that she opened her mission call yesterday (Friday) and that she leaves on July 13th!!! I was so excited; we celebrated for about 5-10 minutes! I am so excited for her! Over all, this weekend has been such a blessing!

So, these pictures; the first one is my stupidity in packing a yogurt in my lunch and then not bringing a spoon. So, I ended up using the metal lid and folding it in half and using that as my spoon. The second photo is the note Anna left for me on my pillow.
Alright, so the stupidity of Sarah continues! Last night, before I went to bed I thought to myself 'Man, my room is hot! I'll crack the window for a second and shut it right before I go to bed.' So, I cracked it just a little bit and then went in and brushed my teeth and so on. When I came back into the room, I forgot to shut it! So, at about 6:30am I start to feel a little cold. It then dawns on me that I hadn't shut the window; so I get up to close it and I can't! The window was frozen, there was a long strip of ice in the bottom that was preventing me from closing it. Needless to say, I felt very foolish. However, I finally got it closed at about 11:20!

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