Thursday, February 17, 2011


That's right, this week is midterms!!! I'll tell you what, it has been an insane one too! The busiest midterm week I've ever had in my life! Monday was a typical Monday. I went to the gym at 5:00 a.m. and then had class from 7:45a.m.-6:45p.m.and then FHE; that I admittedly didn't attend the entire thing. I went to the lesson and then went home to sleep and do homework! (They went ice skating and I'm starting to get a cold so my voice teacher doesn't want me outside and killing my voice). Tuesday we had the most amazing Devotional about happiness and how it is a choice and it was amazing!

Wednesday, however, was like another Monday . . . but busier! I didn't go to gym because I've been coughing up a storm (and I'm pretty sure my right vocal chord). But I sang for about two hours anyway! It didn't hurt, but I am paying for it now. My teacher is helping me through it a lot. I took my science test, the second part of my musicianship test (the first part was sight singing and the hymn pass-off on Monday), and I got to attend the Hymn festival. The Hymn festival is a concert where we sing hymns that have already been written and new hymns written by students here on campus! It was a very powerful and moving concert. My day went from 7:45 a.m.-10:30 p.m. without any breaks! It was hard, but it was very fun and productive!

Today, however, has been a bit more laid back. I had my science class at 7:45 and I took the last part of my Musicianship test. I feel that it went really well (the test I mean). I have been thinking a lot about where I started out in this program . . . I wasn't any good! Looking back, I've improved so much it's ridiculous! When I first started, I didn't even know what an interval was! Now, I'm analyzing a tonal music! It's exciting to see how far I've come and predict how far I will go (my science class is rubbing off on my I guess). Tonight I'm going to the Collegiate Singers and Vocal Union concert with my friend Brandon (yes Dad, a date)! By the way Dad, he served in the Dominican Republic. Stephen, you might know his sister. I forgot her first name, but her last name is Beddes. She was in the animation program at BYU. She's coming up and staying with me this weekend. It should be fun!

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