Thursday, August 4, 2011

Humbling experience

I am feeling truly humble right now. Monday night I had the opportunity to sing in the Wasatch County Fair Talent Find. Before-hand, several people talked to me about what I was going to sing. Some people were surprised, but excited. One gentleman in particular was excited to hear it! I got up and sang "Danny Boy". I honestly don't remember much about the performance, but I remember the reaction. A few people that I didn't know came up to me with tears in their eyes. They told me that it was beautiful and that the music truly touched them. My own mother was crying as well. It was at that moment that I was reminded why I am choosing to be a music educator; to touch others lives.

Music is a universal language, it touches and speaks to all! It uplifts, edifies, and brings others close to God. I didn't win the competition, in fact I didn't even place. But I feel that if I had, I wouldn't have learned the lesson I learned or gained the testimony that I gained.

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