Saturday, August 6, 2011

Kid's say the darnest things!

This week I started working at Dairy Keen again. Last night, I saw Katey and Mike Kirkland; they are expecting a baby in January! I asked if they had any names picked out and they said Gavin. Mike laughed and said, "Either that or Tyrone! Tyrone Kirkland!" We laughed about it for a few minutes; then Mike said again, " 'Tyrone Kirkland!' 'Uh, my name is Gavin.' 'Not when I'm mad at you it's not!'." Ha, they are going to be awesome parents!!!

Later that night, a little boy was talking to his Dad and said, "I love you Daddy! I love you THIS MUCH [I assume he stretched his arms out as wide as he could]!" Then he said the same thing to his Mom, but he  continued to say "I love you Daddy! I love yo Mommy! And, I love MYSELF!" It was so cute! A little bit later, another little boy took a drink of his Dad's soda. He responded to the taste of the drink by telling his Dad that "It tastes like a vanilla icey, with a hint of dirt!" I must say, little kids at the Dairy Keen are my favorite!!!

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