Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving, a day of remembering things that you are grateful for. However, this Thanksgiving was a little different; I tried focusing on the giving. In the morning, my siblings and I worked on tying quilts together for children at the Children's Justice Center--it's a place where children who are being abused or aren't safe at home go. It felt good to finish up those quilts so that a child would have something that could comfort them.
Later on in the day, my family and I made Acorn Cookies--it isn't as gross as it sounds! They were Nutter Butter bite size cookies with Hershey Kisses attached to them. It was such a delicious treat! I've always been a fan of peanut butter with chocolate!
My Mom, Dad, sisters, Ben, and I then played Phase 10. Boy, that was fun! For the first time in my life, I finished all 10 phases!!! I was slightly proud of myself! Anna, Dad, and I also played air hockey. I first played against Dad and I beat him! He was winning, but I came up behind him in the end and took the win! Then Anna and I played against each other and she won! We then went and played foosball together . . . Dad beat/destroyed the two of us! So, we're all winners!!! Stephen and Nini came over for the day as well! I love my brother and his beautiful wife!!! They are so much fun to be around! =D
One of my favorite parts about Thanksgiving is our "I am thankful for . . ." Wall. We put up a big piece of paper and, throughout the day, write down things that we are grateful for. There were a couple of funny ones! One of them said "Indoor plumbing"; naturally, since I LOVE quoting Disney movies, I put in parenthesis "It's gonna be big!". Another one said the names of all of us, then off to the side, it also said Harry Potter! I guess he's part of the family now! =D

All in all, it was a terrific day with the fam!!!
I love my family!!!!! =D

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