Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas miracle . . . a little early

I love BYU's music program!!!!!! I had the blessed opportunity to go to the "Celebration of Christmas" choir concert on Friday night. It was kind of a miracle how I got in; I was there at BYU about an hour and a half early for the show. I went up to the ticket office and asked if I could buy a ticket for the show that night. The lady at the office replied, with a smile, "I'm sorry, we are sold out for all of the choir concerts. But, if you hang out here for a little bit, people always try to sell their tickets right before the show."

So, I sat, and I waited. About an hour later, I met a young lady (a junior at BYU) named Madison. We started talking and she asked me if I had a ticket. I responded that I didn't, but that I was waiting for somebody to try to sell their ticket so I could jump up and claim it! She laughed at my enthusiasm, but we both discussed that it would be highly unlikely (by this time it was 15 mins. to show). She got up to go in and I continued to sit there. I was vexed at my whole situation; how could it be sold out?

As I was about to get up and leave, an older gentleman came over and pointed to Madison. He said "She told me that you were looking for a ticket. Here you go!" I was shocked!!!! How in the world did this happen? It was an answer to prayer for sure!!! I reached in my pocket to grab the $15 for the ticket. The man shook his head and said, "No, no, it's a gift! Merry Christmas!!" The shock in my body intensified! What a tender mercy it was for me to go to that concert! Christmas is the most spiritual time of year, I think. The music is centered around Christ, just like the season. The strongest numbers were the first and one toward the end. The first was entitled "Of the Father's Love Begotten" by John Ness Beck; I couldn't even hum the tune back to you, but I felt the spirit there!!! The last song was by Felix Mendelssohn (one of my favorite composers ever) entitled "A Star Shall Rise Up out of Jacob". I love Christmas!!!! Thinking of Jesus Christ being born in a humble stable, and yet what He lived to be!! He is the Savior of the World! Absolutely fantastic!!!

Saturday night, I went to BYU's Divine Comedy Best Of show. Wow, is all I can say to that show! I bought the ticket on Monday had been looking forward to it all week! When I arrived (at 6:00; the show didn't start until 7:00) I was welcomed by a line that wrapped around the entire building, and even up the stairs! I waited and met some people in the line. We talked, and became pretty good friends! (It made me smile that, for the second day in a row, I stepped out of my comfort zone and made a friend in a place that I wasn't very familiar with. I felt great!) We then went into the show together and laughed hysterically! I left the show in high spirits, feeling like Uncle Albert in "Mary Poppins" (you know, "We love to laugh", and they float up to the ceiling). I walked around campus for a little bit and just felt the spirit that was there. True, it is very different than BYU-Idaho, but not in a bad way. I felt safe, protected, and welcome! I don't plan on transferring anytime soon--or at all for that matter--but it's nice to feel that in a place that is typically overwhelming and large.

I'm grateful for the opportunity I've had to go to BYU every week for the past couple of months! I'll be sad to leave in a little less than a month. Then again, it will be great to be back up at BYU-Idaho too! =D

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