Friday, December 9, 2011

"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?"

I've always loved Wednesdays! Wednesday mornings I drive my Dad to work (at 6:30) and am in the temple by 7:15; I've been doing that since last year! It has been such a blessing in my life! I'm considered a "regular" now and love seeing my friends (the temple workers) there every week! There is such power in the temple, even just on the grounds! I feel so blessed to be close to so many! Yesterday, my temple trip was very quick; I got in at about 7:10 and was out by 7:45. I could have stayed and just say there, but due to the police cars that I saw on my way up, I wasn't sure what traffic would be like. When I got home, I talked to my Mom a little bit. I don't think I say it enough, but I love my parents so much!!!! I love sharing ideas, bouncing things off of each other; it's just great!

Later that night, I gained a better testimony of Joseph Smith. In Institute we studied his martyrdom; I walked away from that class knowing that he is a true prophet of God! He was willing to give his life for what he knew was true. The story of the day in Carthage Jail always touches me. I picture it so vividly every time I read/hear it; I can see John Taylor sitting on the bed, singing "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief", sweat pouring down his brow due to the heat. Joseph leaning up against the wall next to the window while Hyrum Smith and Willard Richards standing nearby. Despite what is about to happen, the air is light. Then the wicked men come with their faces painted black; they storm up the stairs and start shooting. First they hit Hyrum who falls to the ground, dead. Seeing Joseph weep over his brother breaks my heart every time. Then Joseph, to try to get the mobbers to leave John and Willard alone, goes for the window. He, however dies in the process. In class, I read a quote that he said before he went to Carthage: "My work is finished." It never ceases to amaze me that he went to Carthage jail knowing he wasn't going to come back. He had done the Lord's will, therefore it was time.

To end the class, Sister McNaughten read something from Sister Lucy Mack Smith (Joseph's mother). I don't know if it was a journal entry or what it was, but she talked about the first time she saw Joseph and Hyrum after they had been killed. While she read it, she asked me to play "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief". The spirit bore witness to me that this was real! Joseph died so that I could have the truth today! I am so grateful for his willingness to sacrifice his own home, money, land, and life to help restore the true gospel on the earth! After the lesson, I thought of his quote: "Shall we not go on in so great a cause?" What a great cause this is; to bring the truth to the world! I shall go on in this great cause!

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