Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Party in Heber Cit-ay!!!

By this time, in two weeks, I'll be in Rexburg getting ready for school! I honestly can't believe how quickly time has flown! It honestly is going to be a little bitter sweet for me; I've made so many friends this past fall and I love my ward. But, it will be sweet to get back up to school and continue my education! I am honestly a little nervous about finances and things like that for next semester, but I know the Lord will help me.

On Saturday, I had the opportunity to go to a friends house and play some games! It was so much fun; we started by playing a game that's kind of like Taboo (sp?) but it is with all scriptural references. Some of it was really hard to guess and to describe. But, it was a blast any way! Later that night, I had a Relief Society meeting where we discussed what we were going to do for the Relief Society Christmas cards. I guess they were having a movie night right after/during our meeting because there were a few extra people around too. I then went back to the first party; I guess they had lent out their chairs to somebody for a wedding reception, so we went and got those. It was kind of funny, as we were about to leave, the girl who was driving was backing up in her brother's card. She backed up and hit the car behind her; it wasn't hard enough to cause damage, but it shook me up a little bit. She laughed and said, "Don't worry, that was my car." But as she pulled forward, she realized that it wasn't her car, but mine! Ha, there was no damage done, no dents, scratches, etc. But it was funny all the same!

After that, I went back to Melinda's house (where I had my meeting) and hung out with a couple of people there for a few minutes. Then I got to wait for a few of my friends from Idaho who came and stayed with me Saturday night! I was so excited to see them! I had been thinking the other day how much I missed Rexburg . . . but it was kind of late in the semester to go down for a purpose! Then, when my friend called and asked if they could stay with me, all I could think was "Rexburg is coming to me!!!"

Sunday morning came all too quickly! I didn't want to get up, but I knew I had to! That day, we (the ward choir) were singing in sacrament meeting for the Christmas program. I was nervous, but excited all at the same time! The spirit calmed me and reminded me that it isn't about the quality of the sound, but the power of the spirit. And the spirit was there; I love this time of year where I get to reflect on Christ and His birth, why He was born, and also His atoning sacrifice! It was great! My friends that stayed with me were nice enough to sing with us too! I am truly grateful for that as well! (By this time, my friends from Idaho had left) After church, I was talking to a few of my friends; we were talking about how Spencer's Dad, while he was serving his mission, had a strange experience while he was trakting (sp?). He and his companion went up to a door and when the door opened, a big man punched his companion! Spencer's dad tried to close the door, but it wasn't working. Eventually, he let the door fly open and he (Spencer's dad) punched the guy back into his house and then booked it (his companion had walked away, rather dazed prior to this). We then, kiddingly talked about if my friend Amy and I were mission companions and that happened. We decided that I would be the one who got punched first; then Amy would jump on the guy and start hitting him! Ha ha, we could not stop laughing just thinking about that image. I would then wake up and walk over to her, and calmly state, "Amy, we need to be teaching him the gospel." While still pounding on him, Amy would start teaching the first discussion "And he saw a pillar of light . . . Do YOU see a light?" Oh my, it was so funny! Of course, we would never do that . . . but it was fun to kid around about anyway.

I finally played "Settler of Catan" that night too!! I went over to a friends house and we played. It's fun . . . but I don't think I'd get addicted to it. It is one of the games that I would play every once in a while, but not a lot. I feel so blessed right now, even as I write all of this down, for the people that are in my life (friends and family). I have such wonderful people that surround me and help me up when I'm down. I am grateful for the opportunity I had to learn more about myself this past fall and to make friends here. When I first came down in July, I kept thinking to myself that I didn't have any friends here, everybody was just an acquaintance. I felt out of place, like I had already been put somewhere in the corner and there was nothing I could do to change that. Now, I can see friends everywhere I turn. I am so grateful for this fall break and the love I've felt from so many people here!

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