Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas="More Christ"

Christmas is my favorite time of year! I don't know about anybody else, but I feel like it brings out the best in everybody; it's the complete opposite of election time! ;) This Christmas, I decided to do something a little different; I truly did focus on Christ. I studied His birth, life, death, and resurrection! I took time to meditate and speak to my Heavenly Father and thank Him for all He has done, including sacrificing His son so that I could repent! Cool experience!

Not only that, but I was able to learn a bit more about myself. My Dad, for Christmas, got a book for me. We were at Deseret Book a few days before Christmas and I picked the book up, it was titled "Marriage is Ordained of God; But Who Came up With Dating?" I thought it was the funniest title ever, my Dad agreed! I opened it up to a random page and started reading it to my Dad. He snatched it out of my hands and said "I'm getting it for you!" I have actually been reading it! There is a section that is dedicated to young single adults who are at a "marriageable age". There's a point that talks about the saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." As I read that section, it talked about how "beauty" is actually in the eye of God. Satan likes to attack what he doesn't have, including the human body and families. If we let him tell us what beauty is, then he will win! But, if we listen to our Heavenly Father, we will understand what true beauty is. I've been praying to be able to see myself the way He sees me, and I am starting to see it! It is one of the most incredible things ever! Not only am I seeing myself through His eyes, but others too.  It's a very humbling experience because He not only is helping me see strengths I have, but weaknesses as well. Then I've been striving to improve myself in those areas (yes, this has been happening in the course of three days).

I am a beautiful daughter of God who loves me!

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