Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"Allahu Akbar"

Devotionals are over for the year (both at BYU and BYU Idaho). It was a very bitter-sweet thing for me to hear President Samuelson (BYU's President) tell the students that this was the last one for the semester and good luck on finals. Elder Tad R. Callister gave a FANTASTIC devotional! His topic revolved around integrity. As I sat and listened to him speak, I realized some things about myself. I've always known that I haven't been perfect; but there have been times when I really should have had stronger integrity then what I had shown. He gave 7 principles of Integrity:
  1. Integrity is the foundation of our character
  2. Integrity is not only doing with is legal, but what is morally proper and Christ-like
  3. Integrity; decisions based on our nature
    1. This one was my favorite; he spoke briefly about the difference between "behavior" and "nature". One can change their behavior without changing their overall nature. It was powerful!
  4. Integrity is disclosing the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
  5. Integrity knows no excuses
  6. Integrity is keeping our covenants even in times of "inconvenience"
    1. This was another one of my favorites. He told a story about a man who had the task of fulfilling a job qualification before the end of the year (it wasn't a lot of time either). When asked if he would have it done by that time, the gentleman said "You have my word; it's better than a contract." It's better than a contract, because with those paper contracts, you can find loop-holes. In his word, there is no loop-hole.
  7. Integrity is not governed by others; it is internal, not external
    1. "To thine own self be true." ~Hamlet
By the end of the devotional, I concluded that my integrity would NOT BE FOR SALE AT ANY PRICE!

BYU Idaho's devotional was also something I needed! Brother Huff, one of my religion teachers, spoke.  He taught at the BYU Jerusalem center for a couple of years; during that time, he was able to observe different religions (such as Jews and Muslims). He talked about what a powerful example each of those faiths were in keeping things sacred in their religion. For example, the Muslims pray at five set times a day; one of those times is at 4:00 am! While he was there, he heard music play to tell the Muslims that it was time to pray. The phrase "Allahu Akbar" was said in the music; "Allahu Akbar" means "God is Greatest" I was touched! He also talked about the Jews and how precise they were while observing the Sabbath.

He talked about the phrase "The Sabbath" too. For our great-grandparents, it was called "The Holy Sabbath"; our grandparents called it "The Sabbath"; our parents called it "Sunday"; and we call it "The weekend". It has lost so much value and sense of the sacredness that it should receive!!! I listened to this devotional in my room; and yet the spirit was so strong! I finished that devotional and thought about things I could do better in my life. He gave me ideas for some things that I'd like to do too, like: be a life-long learner; have a list of good books; have a "bucket list"; have a list of inspirational quotes; etc. So, I've started doing all of the above!!

There was another tender mercy in my day today. I found out on Friday that I had two housing contracts, one at Birch Plaza (paid for) and one at Baronessa (deposit paid; contract wasn't signed). I e-mailed the person over Baronessa and told them that I wouldn't be moving in in the Winter. She wrote me back and told me that I either had to pay the $925 or I had to sell it myself. I immediately panicked! I asked her for some advice on what I should do. She recommended putting it on the BYU-Idaho bulletin board; so I did. I put the ad in the bulletin board and got an e-mail today!!! Answer to my prayers!!!! God truly is looking out for me and helping me!!! God truly is the greatest!!! =D

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