Saturday, December 31, 2011

Success is . . .

Do you ever have those days when you realize that you are doing things with the wrong mindset? Today was that day for me! There are things in my life that I really wanted to succeed, but I realized today that my definition of "success" is skewed. As I spoke with my friend, Kellie, I realized that I was setting myself to a "worldly" standard/definition of success. The world defines success as: "the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence" (Webster's Dictionary). I recognized that, if I was rating myself according to the worlds standards, I am not very successful! She told me that she redefined what success meant to her; she defines success as: love and positive change. If an experience brings her to love somebody more, feel love, or change for the better, then it is a success!

Since then, which it has only been a few hours, I've been thinking a lot about what I define success is. I don't think I could narrow it down to a few simple words; but I think that success is a positive attitude and something that can influence others for the better. It could even be a "bad experience", but there are so many things to learn from it. Every day, "bad things" happen to everybody: somebody yelled at you, you wrecked your car, you got a paper-cut, etc. But it all depends on how you react to it. Every experience can help you succeed if you react to it with a positive attitude.

As I get ready for school (WEDNESDAY, HOORAY!!!!!), I'm trying to change my mentality about what success is. Not only that, but I'm trying to conquer my fears too. As I spoke with Kellie, I realized that the things that I fear have to do with how others see me. I have decided that I am a "people pleaser person". I like to be liked, I like people to be happy, and if they aren't, then I "failed". This has GOT to change in my mind! It's okay for me to try to make people happy; but to try to make everybody happy is a ridiculous goal! As the New Year rolls in, I've made a few goals about changing my mentality:

  1. Do what I love because I love it! I am not trying to please or impress anybody. The Lord has blessed me with a talent, and I want to progress and learn more about it.
  2. Don't let fear take the wheel! Fear will stop my progression. Fear is a form of pride that stops you from progressing and moving forward.
  3. Let it be! This one is a little odd, but I have the tendency to dwell and worry about things. This is simply not healthy spiritually, mentally, physically, or emotionally. My life needs to have an equal balance that is centered on Christ. I need to have faith in the Lord and let it be.
These are just a few of my goals, I have plenty more! It is going to be such a fantastic year of growth and development! Happy New Year to all, and to all a good year!!! =D

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