Friday, January 6, 2012

I'm back!!!!

What a fantastic week! Monday morning I moved back up to Idaho; it was quite a fantastic day! I unpacked everything, relaxed, and even got to go to Pizza Pie Cafe that night for dinner! One of the most exciting things that I got to do was meet the Rexburg, Idaho temple recorder--Brother Sevy (sp?). He is awesome!

Tuesday I auditioned for Collegiate Singer's again! That night, I found out that I got a call-back!!! =D I got the music and realized that it was in Latin and had some funky intervals in my part. Because I would have class from 7:45 am until the time of call-backs, I decided to practice that night. I feel incredibly blessed that I was able to practice with a group of people because it helped me learn my part better. Then Wednesday was the big day; the first day of school!!! I was so excited, however I did something rather silly in my schedule! I go from the top of the hill, to the bottom, back to the top and then back to the bottom! Can you say foolish? Man, I'll tell you what, I get a work-out!

The time came for call-backs and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach multiply (I'm convinced they turned into rabbits they multiplied so quickly). We sang and continued with the call-back by singing the excerpt from Poulenc's "Vinea Mea Electa". I was feeling pretty good, until he came to our section (Alto II). There were some huge voices behind me, to the point that I couldn't hear myself sometimes. I was worried that I wouldn't make it due to my lack of beefiness in my voice. Later that night, the list of the Winter 2012 Collegiate Singer's was posted. I honestly didn't want to go and look; but I did anyway! I made it in!!! I was, and am, thrilled! I truly believe that the Lord has blessed me once again by letting me be in this choir. We are singing in Devotional on Tuesday "Guide us O Thou Great Jehovah" and I'm really excited!!!

I'm so excited for this semester, I'm taking classes like: Scoring and Arranging, Marriage Prep (no, I'm not engaged or even seeing anybody for that matter), Education Psychology, Music Literature III, Math 108, Collegiate Singers (choir), Volleyball, Voice lessons, and a Master Class. Yeah, I'm going to be busy this semester! But, I feel that it is going to be worth it! I've met quite a few people already this semester due to me just stepping outside of my comfort zone and doing things with people. For example, the other night my roommates went dancing, but I had some more homework I had to do. I finished my homework and I heard a knock on our door. It was our neighbors; they invited me to go play wallyball with them, so I did! We didn't end up playing wallyball due to the lack of open courts; but I jumped in somewhere and started playing volleyball with some people that I didn't know. I made a few new friends just by doing that! It was such a blast!

I also had a sweet experience the other day whilst I was watching Clara, one of my friends 7 month old baby. Lindy had to go speak to Brother Olsen about mentoring for MUS 155, so she asked if I would watch Clara for her. She cried for a minute after her Mom left,  but we started playing and she was fine. A little while later, I could tell that she was quite tired; so, I did the whole "bounce-and-rock" thing. Within a few minutes, she fell asleep! It was so sweet!! It made me think of when I was little and my Mom would send me out with Ben or Anna if they were crying during church. By the end of the meeting, I'd have them asleep! I love little children, they are just so cute!!!

I have a really good feeling about this semester!! I feel like it's going to be the! I'm at least off to a bomb-diggity start!

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