Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Dare to be Different"

What a Tuesday (and it isn't over yet)!!! Tuesdays aren't my busy day . . . EVER!! Because of that, I was able to get a lot of homework done! One of the classes I'm taking is called Scoring and Arranging; we turned in our first projects yesterday and they were played in class today! What an experience! What a rush! All of the arrangements were so well arranged! Our project was to arrange a song for a string quartet (and a bass). I decided to do "Someone Like You" from the Broadway musical Jekyll and Hyde. It started a little rough, which is okay because they were sight-reading it. It was so exciting to hear something that I arranged for strings!!! I'd never done that before! I've arranged for voice and piano, but never for strings! We also got to do an arrangement for a brass ensemble, a woodwind ensemble, and [for our final] a FULL orchestration!!!
Not only was that amazing, but Elder L. Tom Perry came to Devotional today!! My favorite quote that he said was "Dare to be different". Here's something that I'm learning: everybody is different! Even twins are different! We all have different experiences, talents, and abilities. Could you imagine what the world would be like if everybody had the same talents and abilities? There wouldn't be any doctors, musicians, lawyers, democrats, republicans, etc. Life would be boring!!! I've been thinking a lot about that lately. If God wanted us to be the same, I don't think we'd have agency! We'd have to like or dislike the same things, look the same way, if somebody offered you a chocolate cake or an apple, everybody would choose the apple because it's healthier (or vice versa). I wouldn't be able to do what I love most; thought I probably wouldn't mind because I wouldn't know anything else. It's a little confusing, but that's okay.

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