Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Repairer of the breech"

Have you ever had one of those days where you put a smile on, but you really don't feel like smiling? Can I tell you that, just by smiling, you can turn your whole day around! I woke up this morning at 4:45am to go to the gym with my roommate. I was very tired, but knew that I needed to go to the gym (especially because I dropped my volleyball class, so that would be my only form of exercise). I knelt down and started to pray for strength to get up and go. My roommate and I went and were there for an hour! I came back and wanted nothing more than to fall down on my bed and go back to sleep. I may or may not have been slightly proud of myself when I didn't!

Cami and I then made pancakes for breakfast (which, I felt, was exactly what the doctor ordered) after taking a HOT shower! My day today felt so busy . . . but truth be told, it wasn't! I had two classes today, one at 9:00 and the other at 12:45, and the latter was choir. Because it is Tuesday, I also had the blessed opportunity to listen to Brother Scott Cameron of BYU's Law program speak at Devotional. BYU-Idaho's Vocal Union sang the musical number today, and it was so powerful! There was such a beautiful spirit and I couldn't help but tear up a little bit.

After Devotional, I got to watch one of my friend's child (Tony) while he was in Men's Choir. Can I just say, sometimes it's difficult, but Tony is quite the little boy! Today he was very "snuggly"; he didn't really want me to set him down (which happened last time I watched him too). It was sweet! Over the past few days I've decided that I should start my own business "Sitter of the Snow" or something like that! I love playing with children! There is such a sweet and innocent spirit about them! Not only that, but they are entertained so easily! Imagine if teenagers/adults were entertained as easily as children are. I guess some teenagers/adults are entertained just as easily!

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