Sunday, February 12, 2012

Crazy Little Thing Called Love!

This semester has been such a fun one thus far. I haven't written in a little while, so I have some catching up to do. A few weeks ago I had my first official performance with the BYU-Idaho Collegiate Singers. We sang at the Gem State Honor Choir performance and it was a blast! We sang "Chariots", "Vinea Mea Electa" and "Zion's Walls". There were different high schools that came around from all over Idaho that shared the experience with us; they were phenomenal!!! We got to speak to some of them afterward and they were so much fun to interact with and talk to them about our choir experiences both in high school and here at school.
The following weekend (last weekend), I had the Barbershop Festival. I was so sad that my quartet couldn't participate, but I had been asked to help the BYU-Idaho Women's Choir in the concert. That entire week was very difficult for me because of the time that was required. I had to learn my songs for Collegiate, my solo music, as well as the songs for Barbershop. However, it was worth every second of it! The quartet Crossroads came and performed, and it was the funniest thing I've ever seen/heard in my life! The Men's Choir was also a highlight of the concert . . . then again, they typically are. My favorite song that they sang was "Crazy Little Thing Called Love".
This past week has been quite fun as well! I have been up late and trying to get all of my homework done, but it has been quite difficult. However, I was reminded how much the Lord's hand is truly in my life. I had a continuous feeling that I was in a "fillers" position and that people only "loved me for a price". It was one of the worst feelings I've had in a little while. I hate the feeling of people loving me, but only when it is convenient for them. However, throughout the week, people have been telling me that they love me. Not only did they say that, but they didn't have a music question or a problem or anything; they just wanted to express their love for me. I absolutely love tender mercies and the Lord in my life.

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