Monday, February 13, 2012

"If You're Not Enjoying the Journey . . ."

There are days in my life when I feel really crumby . . . there are also days in my life where I can't contain what joy I'm feeling. Today is neither one of those days; I'm feeling quite neutral and just content. Honestly, that feeling scares me a little bit. That feeling doesn't accompany some people that I'm around . . . but I think I'm letting it influence me far too much. I stumbled upon this quote by Joe Tye (CEO and head coach of Values Coach Inc.) that says: "If you're not enjoying the journey, you probably won't enjoy the destination." I thought about that and how I've been feeling that past few days. There are times when I'm really frustrated and I don't enjoy the journey or everything that is going on in my life. I'm trying to change that . . . and it's difficult sometimes! But, I'm going to enjoy the journey, because I ultimately know that my destination is going to bring me ultimate happiness!
Today has been a crazy day! I woke up at about 4:45am so that my roommate and I could go to the gym at 5:00am. We went for about 45mins-1hr. and it felt so good! After that, I had classes from 7:45am-3:00pm--at least, that would have been the normal schedule. Instead, my 11:30 (Preparation for Eternal Marriage) was cancelled! However, I quickly filled that hour with practice for Collegiate. Then I had a break from 3:00-4:30 where I attempted to do some homework. I actually got quite a bit done . . . but not nearly as much as I had hoped! Then from 4:30-6:00 I went to one of the greatest Master Classes' I've ever been to!

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