Monday, August 12, 2013

Officially in Nampa

I'm here! I'm currently in Nampa and I'm loving it! It's been such an incredible experience thus far and I haven't even started teaching yet! I have wonderful roommates who have a lot of the same goals that I do, so we're able to really help each other out!

I drove up here on Saturday and it was one of the longest drives of my life!! My goodness, I felt so bored even when I was singing at the top of my lungs! It was a sweet relief when I finally got here! I have my own room, which is kind of weird. Instead of having to be considerate of a roommate, I can turn the lights on, play whatever music I want, decorate the room how I want it, and so on. It's really quite different for me! I started off with my own room last semester, but then Amber moved in (which was a HUGE blessing for me) and we ended up sharing a room. There are only four of us here (and there's normally six) and three rooms. It's pretty fun!
My sleeping quarters until December!

Sunday was an interesting day! Not in a bad way, but in an . . . interesting way. I got up at about a quarter to eight and started getting ready. I was ready by nine o'clock! We were told that our meetings started at one o'clock! I started to get kind of bored and was kind of sad that I had to wait for a little while before I got to go to church! So, my roommates and I ended up talking about some gospel principles and doctrines before we left. We left at 12:30 and got there at about 12:50. It turns out that our Sacrament meeting started at 12:50 and our meetings in general start at 11:00! We missed Relief Society and Sunday School! We felt so funny! But it was all good. There was a Linger Longer after the meetings and we had the blessed opportunity to go! I tried splitting off from my roommates so that I could meet new people . . . and I met a lot of people! It was one of the scariest things I've ever done in my life! It really scares me to speak to people I don't know, but I did it! I met a large part of the ward and they all seem like crazy cool people!

And now, today. My roommates and I woke up at about seven o'clock this morning to go to the Fitness Center in our complex. It was really nice! We exercised for about forty-five minutes. It felt so nice! Then we came back up to our apartment and got ready for the day. We ended up running errands and then going to a meeting for our student teaching. It was great to see Joie Cariaga (my mentor teacher) again! She's so much fun to work with and I'm even more excited to work with her now! We ended up being the "problem children" in the classroom. Not that we were acting out or anything, but we were the ones who ended up being forgotten and we didn't have some of the papers that everybody else had so the teacher had to keep coming over and giving us stuff. It was really funny! I found out that I get to help out with a Freshmen Boot Camp that they are doing on Thursday! I'm really excited! I get to meet some of the students that I'll be working with along with a lot of other students! It's an all-day event so I'll be pretty tired by the end of it, I'm sure!

Tonight my roommates and I are going to an FHE activity for our ward. It's at a water park and we are getting in for free!!! I'm super excited! I love playing in water and having fun; and it'll be a good release after today!

I'm so excited for my life here in Nampa for the next couple of months! We'll see what exciting adventures are in store for me!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you had a safe trip and are settling in. Sounds like you have some compatible suite-mates. Enjoy your mentors and students. A new chapter begins!!!
    XOXO Grammy
