Thursday, August 8, 2013

Priesthood and Heavenly Father

As part of my scripture study this morning I was drawn to Mormon Messages. I'm not sure why, but I was. I came across a video called Sanctify Yourselves. I had heard the story before in a religion class I had. Brother Doorman shared that story with us and then shared a follow-up story. One day when he was sharing that story in class (*note, this is not the class that I was in) one of the students raised his hand. Brother Doorman called on him and he said that that was his story; he was AJ Edwards! There were some details that he gave that weren't in Elder Holland's talk (pages 2-5). He mentioned the blessing that Bryce Reynolds gave him and then went on to say that when they were leaving the site they had to phone in the injuries that they could see. They did so an then flew from Inkom, Idaho to Salt Lake City, Utah. When they reached Primary Children's hospital the doctors started to observe him and see what they could do to help him heal. Most of the burns that he had had already begun to heal, some of them were even gone!

So, today I am thankful for the Priesthood on the earth today! I know that bad things happen to all of us, whether it's an illness, losing a family member or friend, or getting struck by lightning. Bad things happen to good people! However, with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we can be healed. One of the things that Elder Holland points out is that we may not be healed immediately; in fact, we might not be healed at all. Sometimes the Lord's will is that we return home to Him, sometimes it's that we endure a little while longer, sometimes His will is that we heal right then and there. But, no matter what it is, we must trust in the Lord. He can do all things!

I've been so blessed by having the Priesthood power in my family. I'm blessed to have my Father, older brother, and younger brother hold the Priesthood. I am blessed to have wonderful friends who remain clean so that they are worthy to use that Priesthood whenever they are called upon. Young men, you are so important and I thank you for being worthy to bless the sacrament each week! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to partake of the sacrament each week and renew my covenants with God! You are more important that you think you are! Thank you for remaining worthy!

Lastly, I'm thankful for my Heavenly Father! He is truly my Father! I love Him and I know that He loves me! He has blessed me with so many things: big and small! He knows me, He knows how to comfort me when I am scared or sad, He knows how to speak to me if I'm faltering. He loves me! Not only does He love me, but He loves you! You are His child! I apologize for being a little blunt here, but it doesn't matter what you believe; even if you don't believe in God, you are still His child! It is truth! The wonderful thing about truth is that, even if you don't believe it, it's still true! It doesn't change because of how many people believe it or not; it has always been and will always be true! God loves you no matter your race, social standing, hair color, religion, sins, etc. Nothing you do will ever change His love for you! I know that that is true! I love Him with all my heart and I'm striving to be better every day! I'm excited to see Him again and embrace Him!

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