Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Luke 2:52

"And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favour with God and man." ~Luke 2:52

Well, it is that time of year where everybody makes New Year's resolutions!  I'm pleased to say that I actually accomplished a lot of my goals last year, and I believe this scripture truly helped.  Two things happened when I started using this scripture:

1.  It helped me organize my goals into smaller groups so I didn't feel ridiculously over-whelmed by the goals I was making!

2.  It helped remind me why I'm making these goals; I'm trying to be like Jesus!  If Christ increased in these different areas, why shouldn't I strive to do the same?

So, I have some new goals that I would like to start and some that I want to keep going!

     * Find a full-time position (preferably teaching)
     * Get back into the habit of practicing 60+ minutes a day
     * Open up my own voice studio here in Heber
     * Practice piano more.

     * Run a 5K and a 10K!
     *Exercise regularly
     *Eat healthy foods (starting with giving up fast food)
     *Do something every day that scares me!
     *Get at least eight hours of sleep a night!

Favour with God:
     *Finish the Book of Mormon before my birthday
     *Daily scripture study (30+ minutes)
     *Attend the temple weekly
            *Prepare to receive my endowments
     *Change my mentality on Visiting Teaching!
            *Visiting Teaching isn't just a once a month thing!
     *Daily prayer (morning and evening)
     *Spend more time with God!

Favour with Man:
     *Go to YSA activities as often as possible.
     *Date more!
     *Don't gossip!!
            *Change the subject if it comes up!
     *Continue to discover more about who I am!
     *Have some game nights at my house every few months!

These are subject to change (grow) as the year goes on!  But, these are a few of my starters!  Here's to another great year!

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