Sunday, February 2, 2014

It is not the end

I've been thinking a lot of about trials lately.  Why?  I'm not quite sure, but I have!  Why have trials?  Is there really a point?  Are there other ways that I can become refined?

Fortunately, as I have asked myself these questions the Lord has blessed me with answers!  I have been able to go to institute twice since I've been home and both lessons have been about faith.  Honestly, God knows me so well!  Brother Aardema mentioned several groups of people:

  • The Daughters of Onitah: they were sacrificed to false gods because they were virtuous and they ". . . would not bow down to worship gods of wood or of stone . . ." (Abraham 1:11)
  • Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego: because they refused to bow down and worship King Nebuchadnezzar's gods. (Daniel 3)
  • Abraham: when he was a boy was offered up upon the same altar as the Daughters of Onitah  (Abraham 1)
  • Abinadi: he preached the word of God and repentance unto King Noah and his men.  Because of the truth which he spoke, he was killed (Mosiah 11).

Brother Aardema pointed out that each of these people were virtuous, faithful, and completely devoted to God.  So, why did the Daughters of Onitah and Abinadi have to die?  Couldn't the Lord have saved them?  The answer is yes, He could have saved them!  So, why didn't He?

As we discussed this in class I thought about my experiences last year!  Last year was not at all what I thought it would be!  I had plans to go to Ghana, Africa and Nauvoo.  I wanted to student teach in Arizona and travel around a little bit!  What ended up happening?  I stayed in Idaho!  Not just Idaho, but Rexburg and Boise, Idaho!  I was outside of Idaho for about six weeks, and that was when I was down in Utah!  I was confused and upset!  The desires of my heart were not bad!  I wanted to go to Africa so that I could share my testimony through song and help uplift others!  I wanted to go to Nauvoo to learn more about Church history!  And Arizona . . . well, that one was a little selfish!  I wanted to escape the cold in Idaho! :)

Again, not bad reasons.  But the Lord knew that I needed to be in Idaho.  There were (and are) people there who have touched my life and changed me for the better!  I don't regret being in Idaho at all!  I have made so many friends, had so many opportunities to learn and grow, and have become a better person!  Not only that, but I hope that I have been able to help some people as well!  God knows so much better than I do what I need!

There's a quote by John Lennon that says, "Everything will be okay in the end.  If it is not okay, then it is not the end." I know that that is true!  I know that no matter what trials we go through they will end.  God is with us helping carry us through these trials.

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