Sunday, May 1, 2011

C.C.'s and hospital trips

Bah, this week has been absolutely insane! I can't even tell you everything I did. I'll start on Monday though, I had Collegiate singers call backs! I was absolutely terrified! I noticed the people that were in there and immediately felt very intimidated. It changed very quickly when Bro. Kempton started to speak and do warm-ups. He was very "light" and showed that he loved all of us. It was incredible! For our call back, we worked on a song that we will be singing in devotional this up coming Tuesday (May 3rd). It's called "Jesus, Thine All Victorious Love". Elder K. Newell Dayley (my old conducting teacher and also the man who wrote the music to "Lord I Would Follow Thee") wrote it for us. It's an absolutely gorgeous song, and the message is just as powerful! After call backs we were told to check back around 3:30 to see if we made it or not. Right after that, I went up to work and was being trained on a few things. I got a text from my friend Lizzy. She told me the list was up for Collegiate. I asked her if she would tell me, so if I had to change my work schedule I could do it right then. She text me back saying: "You made COLLEGIATE!!!!!!!!!" I screamed, I was so excited! One of my friends ran in and yelled "What's wrong? Are you okay?" I beamed and replied that I made Collegiate! He said, in a very dull manner, "Oh . . . does that mean we have to change your schedule again?" Ha ha, fortunately we didn't have to change my schedule again, but it was incredibly funny!

Tuesday was my first day being a mentor! Oh my goodness, it's so exhilirating!!! I can't even handle it! I am helping others love and understand music! Goodness, it's so exciting! I got to help another girl outside of class named Brenzel (spelling?). As I helped her, I could see the excitement in her face as she started understanding things that she didn't before. I am so proud of her, and excited for her! She's starting off in a very similar situation that I was in. She came here not knowing much about music theory (if any) and yet she's determined to learn, progress, and do her best in it. It's cool to see! The rest of this week was just full of school, work, and homework.

Friday, however, I got to go on a retreat with the Student Support council. It was a blast! (*Note: Student Support includes: Get Connected Council, SRC Council, Student Associations Council, Student Ambassadors Council, and Recruitment Council). We went up to cabins in the Victor/Driggs area; there was about 2-3 feet of snow up there! It was pretty cold too! We had to be really careful with the vans we brought because we didn't want to get them stuck in the mud. The first night up there, Get Connected Council made dinner. One of the girls, Heather, cut her finger while chopping onions. We told her that we should probably grab some ice to put on it. One of the young men standing by, Will, grabbed snow and had her put her finger in the snow whilst he held it. At one point she commented on how cold her finger was getting, so Will blew into his hands! Ha ha, it was so funny! She was taken to the hospital and the doctor thought she should get stitches. She ended up not getting stitches because it was so expensive! So, they ended up using strips to make it stick together. Heather was a very good sport about it! Late that night, most of us stayed up late talking about our C.C's (Council/Conference Crushes). The guys decided they were going to come over and prank us, but we wanted to beat them to it. So, we waited outside when they came and we were going to pelt them with snowballs. Unfortunately all of our pranks (the boys and girls) blew up because we caught each other. It was lame . . . but it's okay, I guess.

The next morning, we tried to get the 12 passenger van up to where the girls cabin was. Well, it had snowed all night and the van got stuck and ran into a tree. It took off the rear view mirror on the drivers side. I came out before I went down to breakfast and tried to help the 8 young men, that were there, out. We tried pushing while Tyson pushed on the gas, we tried reversing, nothing was working! We all decided that we needed to say a prayer. My friend, Ben, then said: "Alright then, let's say a prayer! Who has a lot of faith? Sarah!" I may or may not have flushed at that comment. It was funny! In the end, we couldn't get the van out. The front axel broke, so we had to get it towed out by a tractor. The worse part of all of this . . . it was a univeristy vehicle! And yet, we were still able to get everything down to where it needed to be! All but the van, it's still up at the cabin as far as I know. All of our trainings were great as well! The Spirit was so powerful up there and my testimony has grown so much! I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to work with these amazing people! It's such a blessing in my life; a tender mercy of sorts! =)

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