Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sacred Music Tour: Day 3--SLC

Well, last night was definitely the greatest performance thus far! However, I'm getting ahead of myself. We met at 9:30am in the Barrus Concert Hall for a little devotional; what power we have as a group! We were told a little bit more about the Sacred Music Project itself. This is the eleventh oratorio that has been written for the Sacred Music Project, and this is the second one that Brother Dayley has written. It really helped me get excited about the project; I've been excited anyway, but this really increased it!

We left at about 10:00am for SLC. We arrived close to 2:30 and went immediately to the Tabernacle. I wish I had taken a physical picture of what it looked like to walk into the Tabernacle and looking out toward the audience! It looked much bigger than I remember! After we rehearsed for a little while, Collegiate was dismissed to get changed and everybody else was supposed to get ready for dinner. We ate at the Church Office Building which was some of the most delicious food I've ever had (my Mom's homemade cooking totally tops it)! It was chicken cordon bleu with mashed potatoes and gravy and green-beans. Not only that, but they had a delicious spinach salad with strawberries, mandarine oranges, some kind of nuts, and some kind of sauce! For dessert, cheesecake with cut up strawberries and chocolate syrup! It was delicious! I couldn't eat it all due to the amount that was given, but I ate most of it!

After dinner, the Collegiate Singers performed at the President's Club in the Church Office Building. President Clark was there and so was President Henry B. Eyring and Elder M. Russell Ballard!!! We sang "Zion's Walls" by Aaron Copland and a piece from Newell Dayley's oratorio entitled "Bring Forth My Zion". I was right next to the table that Elder Ballard was at and President Eyring was right in front of me! I felt a little star-struck, but I was able to perform just fine! After we performed there, we hurried over to the Tabernacle to perform the oratorio for the last time. It felt a little bitter-sweet for me; I had become incredibly attached to the music and the experiences I've felt during that time. As the lights dimmed to signal the starting of the work, I started to get a little emotional. As we sang, I could feel my eyes tear up almost immediately! I was able to hold them back until movement 3, "The Love of God" when the congregation sang with us. I could tell that they were singing out because the sound was about a half beat off of the choir. It was powerful to hear the congregation bear their testimony with us last night! Tears were streaming down my face several times throughout the performance.

After movement 8, "He Lives!" I was determined that I wouldn't cry again until after the performance was over. That determination held through; however I didn't realize how much emotion I had built up inside of me. When Brother Kempton put his hands down, I was done! I could hardly constrain myself! I cried because of the powerful spirit, as well as sadness that it is all over. Another standing ovation from the congregation. What I think is so great about the standing ovations, is that it means that they were touched by the spirit. They felt something from the testimonies that we bore to them! Three nights that happened, which helps me feel a sense of success! We were able to touch their lives through the spirit that we had with us! I am so grateful for this opportunity that I've had, and I'm sorry to see it end; but I have the memories and a stronger testimony from it.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you could have such a beautiful experience, I remember going through the same situations and having the same experiences and it is something you will never forget. I love you Sarah you are so wonderful.
