Thursday, March 29, 2012

Oh Johnny, oh Johnny, oh!!

Well, these past couple of days have been quite enjoyable! Monday I had the opportunity to participate in a mock jury. I was originally supposed to go first, however I ended up going second. I wanted to go first because, being me, I didn't want anybody to compare myself to. I ended up going after my friend Kameron. As my accompanist and I stood outside and waited for Kameron to finish, I could feel myself getting slightly nauseous due to nerves. Kameron is really good, and I was dreading going after him! Due to that, I messed up on my first word/phrase! I was so sad; but I think I handled it well! Fortunately, I don't think that will happen in my jury--I'm not going after Kameron! =D Just kidding; but seriously, I'm excited for juries! Brother Peck (my master class and voice teacher) gave me an 89/100 on my mock jury; apparently he was being strict too. I signed up for juries the day before yesterday, and I'm beginning to get more and more excited (by the way, Thursday at 9:20am)!

Tuesday was my last day babysitting Tony; it was so sad! But we had some fun taking pictures!

It was such a blessing to be able to play with Tony for an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays! It's so fun to see children play and how innocent they are. It was also a chance for me to get away from my busy schedule and be a kid again! He loved playing on the stairs, which was sometimes tiring for me. But we would play "Superman", where I'd help him fly around; a form of "tag", but I was always it! It was so much fun; definitely a tender mercy for the semester!

Last night, I got to go to a Vocal Union/Sound Alliance concert which was so much fun! When I left, I felt so much energy it was ridiculous! I felt like I could run for miles; but I didn't. However, every time I go to jazz concerts, I gain such a better appreciation and love for it [jazz]! One of the songs that Vocal Union sang was "Oh Johnny" originally sung by the Andrew Sisters. I LOVE THAT SONG!!! It has always been one of my favorites! One of these days, I want to do Vocal Union (which means I should probably start practicing now so that I can have a semi-jazz sound). But, we'll see how it goes!!

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