Wednesday, April 4, 2012

God's love painted in a sunset!

Well, it's that time of the semester again where finals are weighing heavily on the mind. Not only that, but there are some other things that are weighing pretty heavily; to the point that my vision/brain feels a little cloudy! I talked to one of my friends, Cassandra, yesterday and vented my stresses and concerns. After I vented, she asked if I wanted to say a prayer together; I said I would love to. She was willing to say the prayer because I was afraid I'd cry if I did. As she prayed, she prayed that I would feel my Heavenly Father's love as I continued to go throughout the rest of the semester. That I would notice the small things in my life and recognize God's hand.

After I talked to her I went to the Snow building because I was supposed to meet Isaac there. I have been babysitting his little boy, Tony, this semester. He gave me an Easter basket full of candy! Not going to lie, I was kind of in heaven! Being a girl, when I'm stressed I often want chocolate! Well, there was Dove chocolate in there and some Sour Patch, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and some other really good stuff! I also got to play with Tony for a little bit, which was a fantastic break from studying! I then headed home for some dinner and then went back to the Snow to practice some more. As I was walking back, there was a young man, Dallin, who started to talk to me. I had never met him before, but it was fun to talk to him. After I practiced for about thirty minutes, I started to mess around on the piano; it felt so good to play piano (although I'm paying for it now).

The greatest blessing, yesterday, was walking home. As I walked out of the Snow building, I walked toward my apartment. The sky was full of intense pinks, oranges, and reds! It was a love note from God. pinks, reds, and oranges represent love; I believe that is why they appear in sunsets so often. Seeing that intensity calmed my troubled heart and helped me feel better than I had for a few days. I'm so grateful for the wonderful friends I have and for God's love. I sometimes feel that I take it for granted (both my friends love and God's love). I need to take President Uchtdorf's advice and "Stop it!" =D But it truly was a tender mercy, just all of the things that happened after Cassandra and I prayed for help. God truly does love all of His children and wants to help them with everything; but He can't if we don't pray, He can't if we don't believe (reference a Jeffrey R. Holland quote).

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