Saturday, April 14, 2012

Art, Bowling, and Frozen Lemonade

Alright, so this past week has been my "Spring Break". I go back to Rexburg tomorrow evening! I couldn't be more excited to further my knowledge! I feel so blessed to be able to study at BYU-Idaho and do what I love every day!

Well, this evening I went on a date with my friend Logan. He ended up giving me a tour of the HFAC (Harris Fine Arts Center), which has so many different hallways, I was getting very lost. We then went to the Wilk and bowled. Now, I was terrified when he asked me to bowl. I am quite horrible at bowling--in fact, my Dad showed me today how to bowl properly. I was surprised how well I was doing though. I was getting spares every now and then. I then mentioned Skittles Bowling; Skittles Bowling is when you have a bag of Skittles and you draw a color. Whatever color you choose determines how you bowl. So, we did something a little different than that. Because in a turn you bowl twice, the other person would tell the bowler a funny way to bowl and then the bowler would choose one on their second turn. It was quite hysterical! We did things like the "Granny Style", backwards, in-between your legs, left-handed, pushing it, kicking it, and even sideways! It was awesome!

We played two games like that, and then we went out for ice cream. We ended up getting frozen Minute Maid Lemonade! It was absolutely delicious! As we ate our lemonade, we walked around the HFAC and looked at all of the art. Some of the art didn't have a title, so we made up titles for it. Not only that, but if there was a person in the painting, we would give them a name too. One of my favorites was a portrait of a young woman; I asked Logan what he thought her name was. He looked at her for a moment and then said "Grutilda!" I laughed a little bit and responded "Man, I was thinking Julie!' So, we gave her the name "Grutilda Julie Smith". It was so much fun!

There were a couple of pieces of art that made me think a little bit. One of the things I thought of was the impact of visual art on children in school. Not only that, but also things like music and theatre as well! What a powerful impact it has; it really frustrates me that people are trying to get rid of those kinds of programs. It is a way of expressing yourself and getting away from the world for a little bit. Just like kids who play sports, it's a good stress reliever. It helps them to get away from their school work for a little bit and clear their minds. Well, painting, drawing, singing, playing piano, etc. all do the same thing! They were interesting thoughts, but I feel that it was helping me develop my educational philosophy a little bit more.

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