Thursday, April 5, 2012


I cannot contain my excitement right now about my jury!! I was signed up to sing at 9:20 this morning; I was to go after Cameo. I woke up, was dressed and ready to go by 7:15am. I then went and started to warm-up; I could feel my nerves increase the longer I practiced. When the time came to sing, my nerves were sitting right by my larynx. Then it was my turn!

My jury consisted of Sister Eda Ashby, Sister Michelle Broadbent, and Brother/Dr. David Olsen. I presented L'Heure Exquise by Reynaldo Hahn. I was convinced that they were going to pick my big aria Che faro senza Euridice? (From the opera Orfeo ed Euridice by Gluck). Instead, they picked Nimmersatte Liebe by Hugo Wolf. I was surprised, but I got excited at the same time! After I sang, Dr. Olsen asked me to talk a little bit about Che faro . . . So, I did! As I walked out of the Barrus, Sister Ashby stopped me and asked if I had taken Choral Practicum yet. I told her that I had and she asked me to be an assistant for Women's Choir!! I couldn't believe it; I still can't believe it!!

My accompanist, Sheryl, kind of tackled me when I came out. She told me that I "rocked it" (hence the reason I used the term earlier). I'm feeling really good about it; I won't find out my grade until sometime next week . . . but I'm feeling really good about it!! =D

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