Thursday, May 24, 2012

Brightening Somebody's Day

This semester I'm involved in four different ensembles: BYU-Idaho Collegiate Singers (Alto II), BYU-Idaho Women's Choir (Student Conducting), Viking Camarata (Alto I), and in Evan Dunn's Choir (Student Composer's Society). On Monday night I had a rehearsal for the Camarata. When I got there, I saw a friend that I hadn't talked to for a little while. I went over to him and said "Devin, I feel like I haven't talked to you in ages; how are you?"He agreed that we hadn't talked in a while and said he was great! Christian, who was sitting nearby, overheard what I said and responded with "You need to say hi to Devin every day!"
"Why's that?"I responded;
"Because he'll just brighten your day!" By this point, Devin is laughing.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah; he doesn't even have to say anything and he'll just brighten your day!"
I snorted a little; Devin then looks over at me and says "Tomorrow in choir (Collegiate) I'm going to brighten your day without saying anything."
I gave him a funny look and asked what he was going to do. He said he couldn't tell me; I then told him that I was going to have nightmares about it that night (Side note: I didn't!). I continued to tease that I might just avoid him in choir from then on. He laughed and responded "Then, when everybody is asking where you are, I'll say 'I scared her!'." We had a good laugh about that!

The next day in choir, I see him wearing a bright orange shirt! Apparently he didn't plan that, but I thought it was hilarious! He had completely forgotten what he had said the night before and didn't try to brighten my day at all. I commented to him about it and told him that I was expecting him to bring a flashlight and shine it in my eyes or something. The following day, however, he remembered. I was going out the Recital Hall doors at the top and he was coming in the doors. I held the door open and expected him to walk by, but he had slowed down. He had a huge grin on his face (the kind that looks like you're up to something) and was just waving at me. I smiled and waved back and said "What did you do? You look like you're up to something." He continued to smile and wave and said "I'm brightening your day without saying anything!" We both had a good laugh and he said "Did it work?" Ha, I feel so blessed to have so many people around me who brighten my day without saying anything!

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