Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Well, I just got back from a funeral. It was my first time going to one for an infant. Her name was Jennsen and she was two and a half months old. The funeral was very touching and full of hope. It's easy for people to think to themselves "Why has this happened? What did I do wrong? What did I do to deserve this?" But, this funeral was all about the hope and the truth that they will see Jennsen again. Jennsen is with Heavenly Father, she is in His arms right now. I know that there was a reason that she was taken away at this time, but I do not know the reason.

In the program there was a beautiful, yet heart-wrenching, poem in the front. As I read it, I couldn't help but feel tears fill my eyes. The poem is called "Lullabies" and it says:

Daddy please don't look so sad,
Mommy please don't cry.
I am in the arms of Jesus
and He sings me lullabies.
Please do not try to question God,
don't think He is unkind.
Don't think He sent me to you and that
He changed His mind.
You see, I am special
and I'm needed up above.
I'm the special child you gave Him,
the product of your love.
I'll always be there with you.
So watch the sky at night.
Find the brightest star that's gleaming,
That's my halo's brilliant light.
So Daddy please don't look so sad,
Mommy please don't cry.
I am in the arms of Jesus,
And He sings me lullabies.

I know that Brother and Sister DeWall will be able to see their beautiful baby Jennsen again. Not only that, but they will get to raise her during the Millennium! Bishop Witt said, "Grief is a product of love." I feel that it's necessary to feel grief, because that's a way of showing that you loved them. I don't know this family at all, nor did I get to meet them. But I could feel the love they had for their child and I could feel the love that our Heavenly Father has for them. I'm so grateful for this gospel and for the truth that I know it is. I pray that the DeWall's will feel God's comfort, because He's there and He always will be. 

To those of you reading, know that God loves you! God does not put people into our lives for no reason. There was a quote on the front of the program that said: "There is no footprint too small that cannot leave an imprint in this world." (Author Unknown) If you've lost a love one, whether old or young, remember the time that you had with them and the lessons that you learned from them. Don't take time that you have with the ones you love for granted. I love you (yes, even you whom I do not know)! God bless you!

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