You know, there are people that come into our lives for a "reason and a season" whether it's family, friends, mentors, teachers, etc. However, can I just say that sometimes it's hard to release them when that season changes. I was talking to my friend on Sunday about how I'm trying to "let someone go" in my life right now. She looked at me, lovingly, and gave me a new mantra: "Release it [whatever "it" may be] with love; receive peace and comfort." I've been saying this to myself all week, and I must say it has helped. I think that this can apply to any situation you may be in. When you need to let go of pain, release it with love. Understand that it was in your life for a reason, that it has taught you something worthwhile and now you can release it. Until you release it, the Lord cannot bless you with all of the peace and comfort He has to offer you. No matter what pain you are feeling due to an experience, losing somebody close to you, or whatever, "Release it with love; receive peace and comfort."
I just stumbled across this quote--the author is unknown--and I like it. It says: "I think God puts some people into your life to test you, until you stand up and say enough is enough. I am worth more than you offer me."
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