Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I am a Daughter of God

So, last night was kind of a rough night for me. I won't go into any detail, but just know that I was having a hard time. When I got home from institute I knelt down and began to have a talk with my Heavenly Father. I was irritated and hurt and I didn't know what to do. I felt like this was weighing me down and I even told my Heavenly Father that I didn't think I could do this, that it was too hard. As I was kneeling, I looked up and saw my scriptures sitting in front of me. I decided I would try that "open up to any random scripture" thing (the only other time I've done that was when I was trying to decide on whether or not I should go on band tour. I was taken to a scripture about death by fire and decided not to go). This time, I let the scriptures fall open wherever they would. Still on my knees, I let them fall open to Genesis 18:14; the scripture reads, "Is any thing too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son." I laughed at the end of the scripture, but the first line is what really stood out to me. Is any thing too hard for the Lord?

I sat and pondered for only a moment and began to change my prayer. I asked for His help, I asked if He would help me carry this burden and if He would be yoked to me and this trial. As I pleaded for His help I was taken to my patriarchal blessing. I began to read through it and was stopped by one phrase: "Sarah, you are one of our Father in Heaven's choice daughters . . ." and I realized that I didn't know what that meant. What is a "choice daughter"? So, I Googled it! No matter how many different ways I typed it into Google, there was one talk that was always the first website to pop up. It was a talk given by Elder James E. Faust in 1999 called "What It Means to Be a Daughter of God" The Lord answers our prayers in mysterious ways, but this was definitely and answer to my prayers.

One of my favorite scriptures is found in Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths." God understands things and sees the big picture. Whereas I, a limited human, only see what's right in front of me. There is nothing I can't do when I'm with him! I am a daughter of God who loves me so much; He lets me experience things so that I can grow and be like Him! I'm grateful for these experiences; I rejoice in them (even if it does take time and pain). It will all be over soon, but until then "Keep moving forward" (Walt Disney) and trust in God. Lean on Him, walk with Him, and He will direct your path.


  1. but what is a choice daughter of god? My blessing says that the lord has a choice daughter of god waiting for me to find, but how do I know if its a choice daughter? I looked over that talk too and I still don't know. I found this by googling it.

    1. Hi Zoroth! A choice daughter of God, at least what I felt that day, is a woman who puts God before anything else. She is deeply and truly committed to God being number one, and then you being number two. What makes a daughter of God "choice" is that she chooses every day to accept the invitation to "come follow Me". That is what I felt that day when I wrote this. I didn't really have the words to describe what I felt, so this is kind of an unfinished post. But I'm glad you asked! Does this help or do you have any thoughts?
      What are some things you found as you have searched?

    2. Hi Sarah,

      Thank you so much for your insight! I love your reply to Zoroth. I was also searching as to what a "Choice" daughter/son of god is and I cam across a lot of conference talks on speakers using the word "choice" in front of nouns. For example the "choice" land, pertaining to North&South America(land of the free). The "choice" seer. The "choice" prophet. Then I came across an article by President Uchtchdorf which explains a little bit more clearly as to what a "choice women" is. Just wanted to share this with you.

      "Brethren, I pray that we as priesthood holders—as husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, and friends of these choice women—may see them as the Lord sees them, as daughters of God with limitless potential to influence the world for good."-President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

      My take on a "choice" daughter (since in a patriarchal blessing it is more personal) is one who is blessed with limitless potential. One who is chosen for a specific purpose and is given great responsibilities because of who she is.

      I hope this helps. :)

    3. Thank you so much for your insight Xeu Lo! I love President Uchtdorf! His talks always jive with my soul!
