Friday, October 26, 2012

Ah, genetics!

So, for the past couple of months I've been striving to eat and live healthier. I've been exercising more (I'm beginning to love jogging/running) and eating more fruits and vegetables and controlling my portion sizes. Now, what I'm about to say may shock some people but that's okay; I love genetics!!! I inherited a slow metabolism and I'm so grateful for that! Why? Because it's teaching me how to use self control and self-mastery! Weird perspective, right?

These past couple of months, I've learned to say no to things that I sometimes really wanted! One time, while I was at work, I was kind of feeling like ice cream (working around ice cream all the time, it is hard to say no sometimes). As I stood there in front of the computer screen I had two choices: I could get ice cream, or I could just clock out and eat the wonderful food I brought from home. I quickly clocked out and started preparing the food that I had brought! Through all of this I've become happier, gained more self-control, and more confidence in myself! I don't know if I would have obtained this if it weren't for genetics! ;)

PS--Perspective changes everything sometimes, doesn't it? ;)

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