Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall=Crunchy Leaves!!!

Okay, so sometimes I think I'm really cool and today was one of those days! As I was walking home from work today I couldn't help but notice all of the beautiful colors in the trees that were around me. I stepped on one leaf and it crunched . . . and that's when it all started! That one crunch gave me such adrenaline, it was ridiculous! I started trying to step on every single leaf I saw (I'm convinced I left no leaf untouched the entire way home). There were some leaves really close together that I know I looked silly as I tried to step on them all; and then there were some that were far apart and I would try not to step anywhere else before I stepped on that other leaf!

At one point, I was by a field and there were NO leaves on the sidewalk. I stopped mid-stride and looked across the field and saw leaves all over the grass. Immediately the thought popped into my head "Now Sarah, what are you going to do? Are you going to stay on the sidewalk like a normal person or are you going to go jump in the leaves like a psycho?" I thought for all of a second and I started running toward the leaves! I jumped up and down and stepped on so many different leaves! As I walked away, all I could think to myself was "Man, I'm so cool!" (Not in a conceited way, but in a way that I think I was trying to diminish the embarrassment that was trying to take over). I'm convinced Heavenly Father was just laughing at me all afternoon as I stepped on each leaf! I know I looked silly, and yet I don't care!

You know, I can't explain how happy I am right now! I feel that I'm where the Lord needs me to be and that I'm doing what He wants/needs me to be doing. Especially as I've started exercising more (which has been absolutely AMAZING!) I've felt more confidence in myself, my voice, my testimony, my secular knowledge, and basically everything! I have such wonderful friends that support me and really keep me going! But, more importantly, I have a Heavenly Father and Savior who support me and give me strength when I feel weak. I wrote in the last post about my jogging with Heavenly Father; He truly does strengthen me! I have been jogging farther and longer than I ever thought I would! He sends me little love notes and reminders every day (like the crunchy leaves today)! God truly does know me; and it isn't just like a "Oh yeah, your name is Sarah!" He knows me better than I know myself! He knows exactly what I need to help cheer me up and it's wonderful!

Life is grand, and amidst all of the trials and tribulations I've truly learned for myself that what Robert Frost said is correct: "it goes on". By eliminating things in your life that you don't need (Facebook was a huge one for me) you can focus on the important things (like exercising, homework, the gospel, etc.). God is good, and I'm grateful for His love!!!

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