Saturday, October 27, 2012

Les Misérables

Well, my week of productions is over! To recap: Wednesday I saw Così fan tutte (opera by Mozart), this morning I saw The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (adapted by Teresa Dayley Love, who also directed it), and I just got back from seeing the wonderful Wasatch High School production of Les Misérables (it was the school edition, but it was still incredible)! I was thoroughly impressed with the vocals in this cast! Les Mis is not an easy musical to pull off, yet it was done incredibly well! The directors of this musical were: Ms. Laurie Turnblom (technical), Mr. Stephen Reynolds (musical), and Mr. Michael Siggard (orchestra) with Mrs. Anna Wilson as the vocal coach! The cast consisted of:

Jean Valjean: Glen Wright
Fantine: Emma Sanders
Javert: Daniel Clegg
Eponine: Jana Wilhite
Marius: Joshua Hooker
Cosette: Savannah Bigelow
M. Thenardier: Taylor Murdock
Mme. Thenardier: Melissa Rhees

Oh my, all of these people had some serious pipes!!! They can SING!!! I felt that the cast did an incredibly good job putting this all together! I don't think I could pick a favorite part, nor a favorite vocalist! They were all incredible and I'm incredibly proud of their hard work in putting all of this together! The set too was stunning and was incredibly well built!

I was truly touched by this production! As I watched Jean Valjean and Javert kind of "go-at-it" a phrase that Javert kept saying popped into my head: "You're a thief and you'll never change." And yet we see Valjean change through out the entire musical! He is a different man every scene! This musical is all about the repentance process and the message that you can change and become better! Good job to all of those involved in this production and all of the others that I've seen! I feel truly blessed to have seen and heard all of your wonderful talents!

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