Saturday, October 6, 2012

"I am a Mormon. I know it. I live it. I love it!"

Wow, I just finished watching the first two sessions of General Conference! I love Conference weekend, my family comes together and we listen to the words of the prophet of God! One of my favorite talks from today was by Sister Ann M. Dibb. She shared a mantra that she made: "I am a Mormon. I know it. I live it. I love it." She then went through and talked about each of these things more in detail. That's my new mantra! I am pleased to say that I am a Mormon. I know it. I live it. I love it!

A couple of really cool announcements were made today at the beginning of the afternoon session of General Conference. First, there were two new temples announced: one will be in Tucson, Arizona and the other in Arequipa, Peru. I'm so grateful for temples and it excites me to know that more are being built! The other announcement is that the age of missionaries has changed "effective immediately" in the words of President Monson. The age prior to today was that young men would serve at the age of nineteen (19) and the sisters--if they so desired--would serve missions at the age of twenty-one (21). Now, young men will serve their missions at the age of eighteen (18), and the sisters can serve when they are nineteen (19)! It's amazing! If I had gone on a mission when I was nineteen I would have been home a year an a half ago!!! It was an amazing announcement, but I know that it was of God!

Another talk that really touched me was from the morning session and it was given by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. One of the things he talked about was "wearing our busy-ness like a badge of honor". I do that ALL the time! I'm always so pleased with myself when I'm busy and I almost feel like it makes me a better person when I don't have time to sleep! Yet, his entire message was talking about regrets and how we can avoid them when the time comes for us to leave this life. As he spoke, all I could think about was my desire to change and become the person God knows I'm capable of being. Oddly enough, he mentioned that later on in his talk. While he was talking about our divine potential he said "Make some resolutions today!" I had the thought pop into my head: "Change with the leaves, not the year!" I don't have to wait until January 1, 2013 to change who I am; I can change now! So many prayers have been answered for me today and I'm so excited to see what messages I receive tomorrow!! Cheers!

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