Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Student Teaching Application: CHECK!

So, for the past few days I've been in Rexburg doing my student teaching application. Boy was it less work then I thought! I was sent a check list of things I needed to have done before October 1 and it looked like a lot!! I had to get the VCC (Verification of Classwork Completion) done, get fingerprinted,  get my picture taken, and submit a personal essay about my teaching philosophy and a little bit about me. I was crazy stressed and was worried that I wasn't going to get it done by the time I left today. However, it is 9:31am and I'm done!!!

It feels kind of weird to be an official student teacher applicant; but here's my picture that will be showing on my bio
I so much loved being back in Rexburg and visiting my friends there! I had the blessed opportunity to meet my dear friends' fiance. I'm so proud and excited for her! She has been one of my best friends whilst I've been up there and I was truly (and am truly) inspired by her every time I'm around her. A deep congrats to her!

Then, of course, being back with my dear Collegiate friends was fantastic! I went to two of their rehearsals while I was there and it was awesome! The music they are doing this semester is very difficult, but it's so much fun! It was very bitter-sweet for me to leave; Rexburg has been my home for the last four years. As I prepare to graduate (July 2013 I walk, December 2013 I officially graduate) I have recognized the sweet times that I've had at this wonderful and blessed school!

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