Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Changing with the leaves

Alright, so I've been going through a lot of changes in my life for the past month or so. Because I don't want to waste anybody's time with all of them, I'll just mention the one that I'm focusing the most on, becoming healthier. Part of that is eating healthier food, less portions, and exercising more (45+ mins. a day). I have my days where I hate getting up and jogging--like I think everybody does--but every time I do, I am so incredibly blessed.

This morning, for instance, I jogged with Heavenly Father (it's kind of like what I do when I'm struggling and driving; I imagine Heavenly Father is in the passengers seat and I just speak to Him). It's kind of nerdy, I know, but it helps me like crazy!! I imagined that He was jogging right beside me and it actually helped me go farther than I thought I would! I also, during my warm-up/cool-down I talked to Him about some concerns that I have in my life and struggles that I am currently going through. I feel so incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful Heavenly Father who is willing to jog with me! =) No but in all seriousness, I'm so grateful that He's willing to listen to my (usually silly) problems! Whether it's something about a silly guy, work, or whatever else it could be He is always listening!

I'm so grateful that my Heavenly Father cares enough about me to help me with goals that I have, even if they seem far-fetched in my mind at the time. During Conference this past weekend, one of the speakers quoted one of my favorite hymns "Lead Kindly Light" (Hymn #97). There was a line that I never had understood until he read it; how we read it is completely different than what it means. In the first verse it says: "I do not ask to see the distant scene--one step enough for me." When he read that, it helped me realize that I don't need to see the "distant scene" or the "end product" right now. I'm good with taking one step at a time!

As I've made a resolution to change now with the leaves instead of with the year I have felt so much better about myself and where I'm going with my life! I love it, truly I do! I'm so grateful I decided to work on this now instead of January! I'm becoming a new and better person!

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