Sunday, November 11, 2012

Refiners Fire

God is amazing! He truly is aware of my needs, but is also aware of when I am most open to receive what He needs me to hear or see.

As a choir today we sang the song My Kindness Shall Not Depart From Thee. I have always loved that song, it's message is so powerful! I feel a special love for music, particularly music with words. It truly does strike me to my core! It connects with my spirit in a way that few things really can! This particular song always reminds me of Joseph Smith's experience in Liberty Jail. And yet, we are reminded in the song, that though we may be going through trials and difficulties God's kindness--or love--will never depart from us. It doesn't matter what sins we commit, what things we do correctly or incorrectly, God's love will NEVER depart from us! He loves us; He is our Father! There have been times in my life where I've felt like He's forgotten me or He doesn't love me anymore! I want to testify that that is a lie! He NEVER forgets His children, of which YOU are! I may not even know you, but our Heavenly Father does!

The talks today were amazing as well! One of the speakers, Kyle, said: "Prayer is the key to getting through trials." It made me think of the hymn Lean On My Ample Arm; the word "ample" means: "enough or more than enough" His arm can support our burdens and so much more! His "yoke is easy, and His burden is light" (Matt. 11:30) Lean on His arm, trust in His love, and receive peace and strength!

In Sunday school the teacher mentioned the refiner's fire. We turned to 3 Nephi 24: 3 which reads: "And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver . . ." and there were several things that I felt were really important! Somebody in the class pointed out that it says that "he shall SIT . . ." and at first I didn't think that was significant. This is what the person went on to talk about. God doesn't put us in the refiners fire and then leave us to go do something else while we work through it. He sits there with us; Christ is with us every step of the way. Then we talked about what it means to be "refined". When a blacksmith refines silver or something they are getting rid of all of the imperfections; that's what happens to us! If we use prayer, like what Kyle said, and the atonement of Jesus Christ we can remove the imperfections that we have as we travel through this fire. (Now, I personally don't think that the imperfections are literally removed from us, but I believe that they are no longer an imperfection; I believe that they become a strength or that we gain control over it) Then Kellie, the teacher, shared something that a blacksmith once said. Here's the quote: "A silversmith once was asked, "How do you know when the silver is fully refined?" He replied, "When I can see myself in it." (Via)

As I've gone through some trials of my own, I am beginning to look back and see where some of my weaknesses have become strengths, where I have been made a better person, and where I have been able to draw closer to God. Kind of quoting something that was said in church today, "I have not yet fought, but I do not fear." I know that I have not finished my fight, yet I do not fear. I know that God is sitting beside me as I go through the refiners fire, as my imperfections are changed and as I become more like God, my creator and my Heavenly Father. God knows me, Jesus Christ knows me, and they love me! I'm grateful for trials that help me become stronger, that help me master myself better, that help me become more like God.

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