Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Blast from the Past

I was going through some pictures and ran across some from the past few years of school! It brought back fantastic memories, I loved it!
L to R: Cameo, Me, Lindy, and Alex (Sp. 2009)

L to R: Trrravis, Me, Alex, David, Cameo, and Helen is behind the camera (Sp. 2009)

Eli (my tutor and friend) and I. He is one of the reasons that I'm still a Music Major! He was such a support and good friend!! I remember the first time I met him, he was playing the "laughing game" with some people . . . yet I was still intimidated to be tutored by him! Ha :D (Sp. 2009)

FHE Flour fight; one of my favorite FHE's ever!!! (Sp. 2009)

Fishbowl Clique L to R: (top) "Countess 'Elen", Me/"Suddenly Sarah"
(bottom) Cameo, Nykele, "Dictator" David, Alex/"Mr. Withers", and Cassandra (Spring 2009)

This was after the BYU Vocal Point concert. I didn't go with Logan, but I ran into him afterward! He was definitely one of my best friends while he was up there! One of the funniest memories I had with him: "hot cocoa juice" and "demon dimes". One of the greatest though was him giving me a blessing when I had a concussion. (Winter 2009)

The Chromatics L to R: Nykele, Kyrsten, Me, and Stephanie (Barbershop Quartet; Spring 2009)

"I Won't Say I'm In Love" from BYU-Idaho's Disney Revue. This was around a time when I was incredibly stressed, and you can actually see that I'm a little ill and tired! But Cassandra Hess, Cami Bigler, Christina Brandt, and I did it! It was fun! (Spring 2010)

My Best Friends Wedding #1: Cami Parks! One of my favorite memories of this was when Christina and Cassandra had a small fight over the bouquet! ;) (Fall 2010)

This is a comedy group that comes to BYU-Idaho fairly often. Kirby Heyborne was everybody's favorite!! (Winter 2010)

L to R: Christina, Me, Helen (top), Nykele, and Cameo We made a trip down to Utah to watch Collegiate sing in "Music and the Spoken Word". We stayed at my house and I took them to Dairy Keen for the first time! (Winter 2010)

Las Banditas L to R: Carrie, Cameo, Me, and Tess  We loved pulling pranks on our FHE brothers, who dished it right back to us! This particular night we went out really, really early and piled snow in front of their door so they couldn't get out! (Winter 2010)

Collegiate Groupies L to R: Nykele, Christina, Travis, Cameo, Helen, and Me. The BYU-Idaho Collegiate Singers had traveled down to sing on "Music and the Spoken Word" and a few of us traveled down to support them! It was a fun trip! We ALL went from Collegiate "groupies" to members of the choir!!  (Spring 2010)

I was really, really stressed one particular week. Nykele and Cami Parks decided that, while I was out, they would heart-attack my room! It was one of the greatest tender mercies of my life! (Spring 2010)


  1. i like all of these things. but mostly i like the fact that christina and cassandra fought over a bouquet. im guessing cassandra one, since she is married and all ;)

  2. Ha, actually Christina won the fight! And boy, did they put up a fight! ;) Just kidding it wasn't too bad. I'll have to show you the video! :D
